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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

It has been one of those weeks where every time I check off a task from my list, three more get added. Between school, work, chores, unpacking from the weekend, and packing for the weekend again, I felt like I could not catch a break. These are the weeks where I don’t feel like getting any work done and would rather curl up into bed, hoping that it will all pass over. Unfortunately, I know that if I ignore my responsibilities, they won’t go away. I’ve had many weeks like this; some have ended in tears, and others have ended well. In order to make sure weeks like this are successful, there are some things I must do to keep myself on track.

Write Everything Down

It doesn’t matter how big or small the task is. Laundry, groceries, organizing, a quiz, putting a box away, if it needs to get done, it needs to be written down. The important thing is that this list MUST be visible and easy to access. You can write it on a piece of paper and keep it on your desk, put the list in your planner, or even in your phone. If the list is visible, you might look at it more.


It’s important to take a couple of minutes and organize, or at least star, which tasks are the most important to get done. Personally, I like to take the days of the week and jot down which tasks need to be done by what day. I will then highlight the tasks that are the most important for me to get done; I find that they are usually school deadlines.

Attack the List!

You can procrastinate for as long as you’d like, but eventually you need to begin your task list. When I have the time, I do my best to start with a quick and easy task. I find it rewarding to check something off of my list quickly after starting because it makes me motivated to continue. Once my motivation has started to fuel my fire, I feel more prepared to start checking off the bigger, more important tasks.

Take Breaks

It might sound counterintuitive, but it is important to allow yourself to take breaks. Eat something, go out, enjoy a show or a simple TikTok break. Taking breaks can help you to regain your steam so that you can keep on going without burning out.

Don’t Diss a Reward System

There’s nothing wrong with promising yourself a sweet little treat! When you have something to look forward to, it can motivate you even more. Some people might call it coaxing or persuasion, but I like to call it a good strategy. I’m not ashamed to admit that after a long week with lots to do, I’ll often be looking forward to a special drink or a pizza pie.

Liv Brannagan

UWindsor '24

Hi I'm Liv! I am currently studying Forensic Science at the University of Windsor. I love being outside, going on hikes, kayaking, rowing, and goodness I could just go on and on. I am often listening to music, listening to a good podcast, watching a film, or talking (arguing) about any one of those!