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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Ok so I loved it. This genre of movie is definitely one of my favorites. The set, the world building, the cuts, everything about this movie was stylistically flawless. It’s one of those movies that doesn’t feel like a movie at all, rather genuinely a series of events that are unfolding & would unfold whether or not there were cameras there to catch it. I think that Roy is one of the best ‘villains’ of all time. The last scenes were pure anxiety even though I already knew the ending.

My qualms with the movie are: 

1- What was up with using all of the Asian imagery and language to appear more dystopian & other worldly?? Very odd in my opinion though if better explained it did look really good. 

2- Did not like the weird aggressive / non consensual kiss & implied sex scene – obviously. I completely understand why he did what he did but I don’t get why he had to be aggressive with it. Also a lot of the times I found this movie to be very male gaze-y because why am I staring at these women’s boobs for absolutely no reason? How does that serve the plot?

3- I do kinda agree with the criticism that the plot was a little bit lackluster in comparison to the impeccable visuals. Actually I don’t know if I mean that! I’m really pondering this and I actually think everything was very well done. The only thing I wish was that it was longer and they could’ve gone into more detail about everything. Like if they spent a bit more time on the relationship aspect that would be great BUT what they did include was enough for me to get the vibes. Particularly because the themes of humanity and mortality and morality were present throughout so the ending being a culmination of everything through Roy saving Deckard tied things up in a perfect, but unsettling little bow and allowed the following sequence of events with him and Rachael to not require any additional explanation. 

I really, really liked this movie. I’m excited to learn more about it & to watch the remake, though I cannot imagine it’s as good. ALSO above all else, the use of sound in this movie should be studied for decades and decades to come. 

Jane Massett

Bentley '25

Hi! My name is Jane Massett and I'm from Westchester New York. I am a Senior at Bentley University majoring in Marketing and Media, Arts, & Society. I like to write about random popular culture events and lifestyle.