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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

The fall season in Upstate New York is one of the most beautiful times to be a student at Colgate University. Changing leaves, autumn activities, cider donuts, and wait… midterms? These exams, dreaded by all, can bring stress, but luckily, we’ve provided the optimal tips to ace them!

  1. Study Groups

It’s dire to remember, you’re not alone in your studying. Every person in class also is feeling the stress, so take on the work together! Look around your class and ask seatmates, friends, or even strangers to study together. Get in touch through social media and form a day to meet outside of class. You can learn from each other, ask questions, and hold each other accountable! This can be a great way to meet new people in your class or form stronger friendships with those around you. Take the risk, get in touch with your classmates, and I guarantee you will feel more support during your midterm.

  1. Office Hours

Look to head to your professor’s office hours! They may seem intimidating at first, but your professors are a great resource here for you. Feel free to ask them about study tips, exam formats, or just for a quick chat about anything you need to help you feel most confident. These hours are yours, make the most of them if you can! 

  1. Take Care of Yourself!

In days or weeks of high stress, the most important thing we can do is take care of ourselves! If we aren’t feeling our best physically, studying will be a drag. We all have different mindfulness practices, so take time out of your day for your own personal self-care! Remember to get meals, and make healthy choices that will make you feel like the best version of yourself. And if a sweet treat is your motivation, eat that! We’re fueling ourselves, all in good balance, and taking care of ourselves to reduce stress in any way we can. I also recommend going to the gym, doing yoga, meditating, walks in the woods, or just taking any time away from school work to be alone or with others. Remember, there is no way to productively study all day long, so take time away! Do what works best for you, and look to Colgate resources for whatever you need.

  1. Study Spots

Romanticize your work! Find a spot that makes you feel like the main character in your own story. Get a coffee, tea, or warm drink and settle down in a location that makes you focus to your best ability! Consider what you need most from your study spot, whether that is a silent fourth-floor cubicle or a busy table at Frank. Colgate can provide all of these in different ways, so work wherever you can do your best!

  1. Confidence!

Remember, you absolutely got this. Remind yourself of the hard work you’ve put in and know that you’re going to crush it! You’re here for a reason and no grade will ever define you as a person. 

Best of luck to everyone this midterm season! 

Cate Abate

Colgate '27

Cate Abate is a writer for Her Campus at the Colgate chapter. Cate is also a co-leader of EngAGE, a community based organization that provides service at the local retirement apartments and Liberty Kids Reading, providing reading tutoring to local first grade students. She is also a member of both Women's Club Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee. Cate is a currently a sophomore at Colgate planning on majoring in neuroscience and minoring in economics. Outside of classes, Cate likes to run around town, read romance books, play guitar, and binge watch New Girl.