I have finally made the official appointment to get my Nexplanon birth control implant removed. I have had quite the journey with this implant and I cannot wait to get it removed and change to a different birth control. But let me tell you my story with this implant first to explain why I am getting rid of it.
I first got this implant in during the first week of January. I was so excited to make a switch from the oral contraception I have been on since I was 14 years old. When I went to college, I realized that taking a pill at the same time every single day was more difficult than I thought. It was more difficult than I thought because I was never really in my room much last year as I am quite an extrovert. So, I had my appointment on the first Friday in January at 8:30 a.m. The implantation was very simple, and I was out of there in no time with my new birth control implant inserted in my arm.
The first month was lovely. Absolutely no symptoms at all and no period. It was the best thing ever and it did all the works for me. Then the next month rolled around and suddenly it hit me way too hard. I had a never-ending period that I thought simply would never go away. It ended up lasting about a month and a half. That was something that I was not prepared for, but I found out it was very common. After it ended randomly one day I went back to my normal schedule of no period for around two to three months. But alas, it came again. And would not stop. I finally called my gynecologist about this matter, and she prescribed me birth control pills for 3 months to help my body regulate it. Last week I hit three months, and it was not a major problem but still a slight issue. I had finally reached my breaking point.
So, I decided to call my gynecologist again and schedule an appointment to get my birth control implant removed and switch to a different method. Some people have approached me about getting off birth control completely. I tend to be a girl who worries, so being on birth control is one of those peace of mind things for me. I am debating on another implant or just an oral method instead. I have my appointment in less than a week and I am beyond excited to begin this new chapter of my life.