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DIY SPOOKY BASKETS: The Ultimate Trick or Treat Gift

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

“One, two, there’s a spooky basket waiting for you…” As Halloween is just starting, there’s plenty of time to plan or even have a last-minute idea for prepping a gift that won’t be an absolute nightmare. As you may or may not know, spooky baskets are Halloween-themed gift baskets gifted to one’s significant other or friends. It’s a fun way to get into the Halloween spirit and show appreciation for the person you plan on gifting your basket. Now, as an avid Halloween lover, when I first created my spooky basket, I honestly had no idea where to start. I know; shame on me. But don’t worry; you need only a few basic core things to start building your basket, and then you can enjoy assembling it.

Essential spooky items


  • This item makes half the name of the “spooky basket” concept, so you are definitely going to need a container of some sort to hold all the items you plan to gift. The most traditional way to create your base would be to use a jack-o-lantern bucket like the one you used as a kid to trick-or-treat. Ah yes, sweet childhood (I’ve never been trick-or-treating in my life. This is clickbait). And if you’re not into the classic pumpkin bucket, then there are other options, like using a cauldron if that’s more of your vibe for a wicked Halloween.

But even if you don’t have any of these classic Halloween buckets lying around or don’t want to use one, you can still make your gift by using other containers such as a:


  • To add a bit of flare to your gift, you can put filler into the container of your choice to give it that volume, and it even allows you to hide small gifts at the bottom. You don’t necessarily have to buy filler. I purchased plain tissue paper in Halloween colors (purple, black, orange), cut them into strips, and filled my basket until it gave it the desired volume. I only used maybe six sheets of tissue paper, and the pack contains about 30 sheets, so I think personally it’s a win. Not only is it cheaper, but it is also a stress reliever if you like cutting paper.


  • What’s a spooky basket without candy? That’s what Halloween is built on. This item is essential, but it is also up to you what type of candy you plan to give. It can be sweet, sour, or both. Just remember to be aware of the person’s allergies and preferences before going on a candy shopping spree.

Handwritten Note or Card

  • Go even further in personalizing this gift by providing a sweet message or a funny pun. It brings positivity and will create a special bond and memory with the person to whom you are gifting your basket.

Theme inspo

Need an idea of what to base your spooky basket on? While the theme is Halloween (very “spooky”), sometimes we all have different perspectives of the season. Some of us can see it as a “cozy” fall and romanticize the season or view it as a perfect night of “terror” to binge-watch a horror movie marathon. Well, here are some ideas you can use to make your gift authentic and personalize it to your friends or partner’s views for this fall.

A Classic Halloween

  • This is a good choice that everyone loves. It’s honestly a homage to what we received when we were kids: classic spider rings, Halloween-themed stationery, and even temporary tattoos. This Halloween basket won’t ever age out, as not only can you find cute trinkets easily during this season, but it also brings back nostalgia from the good old days before we ever found out what organic chemistry actually is. Ah, yes — pure Bliss.

A Slasher Halloween (Horror Movie-Themed Basket)

  • What’s your favorite scary movie? No, seriously, what is it? Cause you will need to know what you want to center your basket on. This is a creative way to give appreciation to your friends who are die-hard horror movie fans. You could include stickers or pins from iconic horror movie characters like Ghostface to personalize it. You could even consider putting a DVD of their favorite horror movie film and put popcorn packets so they can enjoy their movie marathon. And if you want to go all out, put a T-shirt that has your friend’s favorite horror icon. They will love it, trust me.

A Treat To Self-Care

  • Also, you don’t have to go all into the Halloween theme; sometimes, just enjoying the fall vibes and treating yourself can be the best gift of all. If you know friends who love self-care, this is the basket for them. You can put items like fall-scented candles, a blanket, small towels, and fuzzy socks in this basket. Don’t forget to put snacks and seasonal candies, and throw in some hot chocolate or tea mix, depending on their preference. This is a perfect way to treat them by giving them the supplies to relax and unwind from the stress of exam season.

Overall, I hope you have a great experience and have fun brainstorming ideas for creating your spooky basket. Enjoy the season and go crazy on creativity!!

Alejandra Cozajay is a member of the Texas A&M University chapter of Her Campus. Writing is one of her favorite ways to channel her creativity, and she's excited to explore and grow her writing skills more deeply including sharing her own experiences and unique perspectives with others. She decided to join Her Campus as a way to reconnect with her love of writing, a hobby she hadn’t had time for in the past. Beyond Her Campus, Alejandra is a third year undergraduate student majoring in biochemistry with minors in psychology and business. One of her biggest aspirations is to become a physician in the future with a specialty in nephrology and hopes to one day open her own practice. She’s passionate about giving back and is an active member of the 12th Can, a member of TAMECT and a current Junior Advisor in the Honors Housing Community. She also participates in research in a biochemistry lab on campus where she's gaining valuable hands-on experience. In her free time she enjoys swimming, roller skating, and evening walks. She is a horror movie enthusiast and an avid reader of rom coms and thrillers. You'll rarely catch her without her headphones as she's always listening to music.