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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

As you read this, some of you may already know their love language and can list every way on how they express their love, and there some will be reading this and think ” who doesn’t know their love language?” and I say there has to be someone out there who don’t even know what love language is or their own and that’s okay! Remember, sharing your love language doesn’t just apply to your partner it also includes friends and family members too! By the end of this reading, you will be able to understand what love language is, the benefits and take a quiz to learn at least one new love trait! (REMEMBER: this is a free trial, the option to explore more is up to you.)

what is love language?

Do you ever get that fuzzy feeling when someone you love gives you a nice warm embrace after long day? Or that feeling that you get when it’s your birthday and everyone surprises you with gifts because they know how much you appreciate them even if it’s just a set of underwear? Well, that basically sums it up but if you want to go on a deeper level into the meaning. Love language is defined as “A person’s characteristic to express love and care for another person. COMMUNICATING your love language is the basic step to a growing relationship, it is what helps those around you understand you in a different light! There are 5 level of expressing your love language for e.g. we have act of service, word of affirmation, physical touch and quality time. Words of affirmation can be “I’m proud of you!” from mom or “I love you.’ from your significant other or best friend, it can even be a handwritten love letter. Act of service involves someone doing something for you or you lending a helping hand, this can be getting help with the cleaning, cooking a meal, or your partner doing the laundry for you. Receiving gifts is a small gesture that goes a mile for you and an act of giving you enjoy when the people you care about come around, pass around gifts together. This moment is always thoughtful and full of love each year during birthdays and Christmas. Quality time is spending undivided, meaningful time with your significant other, such as going for a late-night walk, having deep conversations and being there even in the quietest moments. lastly, physical touch includes non-verbal forms of sharing affections, cuddling, hugs, holding hands and kissing. you enjoy these moments deeply and appreciate those cuddles are a stressful day of work. Understanding the power of love language can do wonders for relationship, strengthen both peoples’ abilities to strive to do better for themselves and the relationships.

What are the benefits?

There are many ways of understanding love language but like everything else, it takes time. It is important to remember that when you learn about love language, you are actually improving self-awareness, understanding yourself, your needs and what you value in a relationship. Increase empathy and reduce problems in relationship, making issue easier to solve and work on coping mechanisms. Understanding each other’s love language can also lead to a deeper connecting. it can help partners feel more heard, loved and appreciated during the relationship, leading to increased satisfaction and happiness. According to the 5 Love Languages created by Dr. Gary chapman, he theorized that everyone has a primary love language through how they feel most loved and appreciated. chapman’s few expanded beyond romantic relationships and can be applied to platonic and professional connections, His book has driven readers to look more in depth with those around them, becoming attentive and empathetic to the needs of others, caring for deeper emotional intimacy and build stronger bonds. But there’s a problem, if you have all this and everything goes well in your relationship for the first couple of months then; what happened? According to preply inc. 2012-2024, 41% of couples feel their relationship would struggle if they didn’t share the same love language as their partner and 41% of people have been in a relationship that didn’t work out because love language wasn’t understood. How? For starters, it is natural to have preferred ways of showing affection, and molding or forcing your partner to assimilate to your way in dating isn’t the way to go this can put strain in relationship, create lack of trust and even distancing your partner with hurt feelings. Secondly, if Person A primary love language is word of affirmation but person B neglects that and rarely gives words of encouragement, person A may feel unappreciated or not loved. Another example can be physical touch, Person B doesn’t like physical touch, but person A does. how to resolve these issues? Simple! One solution can be for person A to find a different way of expressing their love through act of service or affirmations. B on the other hand can try and work on being more comfortable with physical, maybe a kiss on the cheek or holding hands while also communicating their boundaries and preferences to A. Open conversations are important and finding common guard with boundaries, love and comfortability.

Quiz time!!

Now that you’ve learned the basics of love language and how important it is to communicate with others about them. IT’S QUIZ TIME! This a 30-question quiz based on what you find more appealing to you as an individual, a this or that kind of questions. Like stated in the beginning, you are learning one new thing about your love trait. If you wish, you can also take quizzes on how to apologize the correct way and Anger assessments for those who have a hard time controlling untamed emotions and if you’re a book reader please check out the 5 love languages – The Secrets to Love That last by Dr. Gary chapman, he has a record number of other books for you to choose from for those who may not know how to keep a relationship longer for 4 months (no shade..)


Instructions: Once you press this link, you will be taken to the home screen from there you will scroll down to ‘START HERE’. Then you will be given an option to explore romantic relationships, family or friends’ relationships. Whatever you choose, there will be an option to begin love language! Have fun!