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10 Prompts to Start Journaling in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

I started journaling four years ago, and it’s one of the habits that I can actually be proud of! Anytime I’m feeling some strong emotion or have a cool experience I love pulling out my diary and jotting down the day’s events.

A few months ago, I grabbed my journal from high school to read some entries, and it was so fun to walk down memory lane and revisit my past. Now that I’m in college, I prioritize keeping a journal so that I can recall the difficult and exciting parts of my life ten, twenty, or thirty years down the road. As a reserved person, I noticed that I now step out of my comfort zone and find exciting activites to journal about later on! 

Since our lives as students can be monotonous at times, it can be hard to stick with journaling when every entry details the motions of our daily routine. Instead, try one of these prompts to get started on your college journal experience:

  1. What’s the best show or movie you watched this month? What was the worst?
  2. Step outside or open your window and write about what you hear and feel. Do you like/dislike it? Why?
  3. Talk about your college friends. How did you meet? What do you like about them? 
  4. Walk through your morning/evening routine. Are you satisfied with it? Write about how it serves you, or what you would like to change.
  5. Name your three favorite things about being an ISU student and why! 
  6. Write about the biggest world events happening right now. How do you feel? What makes you feel that way?
  7. Doodle the most memorable part of your day, and then write a couple sentences explaining what you drew.
  8. Reflect on how you have changed this semester. Are you happy with how you’ve grown, or are your feelings more complicated?
  9. Describe your dorm room. You can talk about the size, your decor, or the energy of the space you’ve created!
  10. What’s your major right now? Do you like what you’re learning about? Why? What more do you want to explore outside your classes?

Starting to journal for the first time or picking it up after a number of years can be tricky. Adding any new habit is a struggle, especially during the bustle of college life, but you won’t want to forget the details of all of the exciting things you’re doing after graduation. I hope these prompts help get you started on a lifelong journey of excitement and mindfulness as you take on this new hobby. Happy journaling!

Olivia Schickel

Illinois State '25

Hey there! I'm a senior English Studies major at Illinois State. I love film, books, and all things pop culture, and I use my writing to share about these passions (and more!) to help build vibrant communities! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my madness: @olivia.schickel