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A Power Talk: Kamala Harris Breaks Down Women’s Rights on “Call Her Daddy”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

We all know Alex Cooper and her famous podcast “Call Her Daddy.” Since its launch in 2018, it’s become the go-to for everything from juicy relationship advice and hilarious girl talk, to deep dives into female empowerment. As a longtime fan of Alex and the hit podcast, you can imagine my shock when I saw that Vice President Kamala Harris joined Alex for a 44-minute interview this week. I am sure all of you were in the same boat, as I literally had to triple-check the episode title because I couldn’t believe it — Kamala Harris on “Call Her Daddy” just weeks before the election? Mind blown.

Kamala Harris made a bold and strategic move by stepping into one of the biggest female-driven podcast to discuss a topic that matters to all of us: women’s rights and empowerment. While Alex Cooper had extended the same invitation to Donald Trump, it was Kamala Harris who took the opportunity to speak directly to the “Daddy Gang” just before the election. This move not only showcased her commitment to issues that resonate with women everywhere, using the hype of podcasts as a tool to bridge the gap between mainstream politics and everyday conversations, to amplify her message on women’s rights at a crucial moment.

Watching two strong, intelligent women—Kamala Harris and Alex Cooper—sit down and have an open, real conversation about such a critical topic felt like a pivotal moment. Inviting the Vice President on her podcast is a monumental step in Alex Cooper’s career, setting the stage for future opportunities and collaborations. I mean let’s be honest, if you can get the Vice President on your podcast, seriously, what’s stopping you from a collab with literally anyone? Both women brought passion and insight, making this episode not only powerful but a very genuine insight to their personal lives. It wasn’t just a great marketing move for Harris; it showed that Alex is committed to educating her listeners and engaging in meaningful discussions that go beyond the usual girl talks. Alex is showcasing that her mega popular platform is also a space for educating, empowering, and elevating women’s voices.

Let’s Break down the interview

Alex starts off the episode solo, acknowledging right away that she’s super aware of her politically diverse audience — and that uploading this episode gave her a lot of hesitation. But, in true Alex fashion, she keeps it real:

“At the end of the day, I couldn’t imagine a world where one of the biggest conversations in this election is women, and I’m not a part of it,” she explains. Her reasoning? “My focus is women, and the day-to-day issues we face.”

The 44-minute interview was packed with all kinds of questions, covering everything from Kamala Harris’ personal journey and upbringing to the issues of women’s rights today. Alex started the episode by telling her listeners that no topic or question was off-limits, setting the tone for a very open and real dialogue. Personally, I believe one of the most powerful moments of this episode was when Harris opened up about her upbringing and how her mom was such a huge influence on shaping who she is today. It wasn’t just political speak — it was personal. The way she explains her career journey, from being a prosecutor to now holding one of the most powerful positions in the world as Vice President, confirms that it has always been about standing up for women. Whether she was talking about reproductive rights, equal pay, or access to healthcare, she spoke with so much passion about why these issues have to be at the forefront, especially in today’s political climate.

We were reminded that behind the title and political stature is a woman who, like so many of us, has faced adversity, found strength in family, and continues to fight for a world where women’s voices are heard and valued. What really made this interview special was how human Harris came across. So often, politicians feel distant or out of reach, but this conversation showed us the woman behind the title. She’s faced challenges just like the rest of us, found strength in her family, and is fighting every day to make sure women’s voices are heard and respected.

Now let’s talk about how huge this moment is for Alex’s career, because this episode is a game-changer for “Call Her Daddy.” Stepping into the political realm with a major figure like Kamala Harris shows just how far Alex has come as a podcast host and media personality. It’s also a place for learning and empowerment. For Alex, this marks a turning point in her career, positioning her as a very versatile host who can handle a wide range of topics, all while staying true to herself and her audience. By choosing to have a conversation with the Vice President about topics like reproductive rights, healthcare, and equal pay, Alex makes it clear that her platform isn’t just about entertainment — it’s about advocacy, too. Alex is showing that “Call Her Daddy” is a safe space where women’s voices are valued on all fronts — personal, political, and everything in between.

understanding the episode’s backlash

As with any bold political move, the episode featuring Kamala Harris generated significant buzz with criticisms coming from various angles — from Republican audiences dismissing the podcast, to concerns that Harris was opting for a ‘soft’ interview instead of engaging with more substantive issues like hurricane relief efforts and immigration. Critics will argue different perspectives and beliefs, but at the end of the day, both Harris and Cooper accomplished what they wished to accomplish with this episode: stress the importance of making your voice heard and offer a public platform that fights for universal women’s rights.

After the episode aired, Cooper shared a “Get Ready With Me” video on Instagram, giving her followers a behind-the-scenes look at her thoughts and feelings surrounding this pivotal moment in her career. This episode was not intended to change anyone’s personal political beliefs; instead, “Call Her Daddy” facilitated a crucial conversation centered on women’s rights. It only makes sense to have this dialogue with a candidate who could potentially be the first female president of the United States. As we stand at this significant crossroads in history, it’s so important to make your voice heard. If you have not registered to vote yet and want to learn more about how to make an impact, make sure to check these important California Voter dates to get involved!

Hi! I'm Kaylee and I am a first-year student double majoring in English and Political Science at UCSB. I am from Los Angeles but I grew up in Utrecht, the Netherlands for most of my life. I am part of the editorial team for Her Campus! My hobbies include playing the guitar, traveling, and playing field hockey.