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Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television

Channeling Your Inner Rory Gilmore: 4 Tips to Ace your Academic Year 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

If there’s one fictional character that embodies academic drive, discipline and determination, it is none other than Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. I don’t know about y’all, but this time of the year—when assignments start to pile up and the fall weather sets in—is when my binge of the iconic show Gilmore Girls begins. There’s just something nostalgic about watching Gilmore Girls during this time of the year. I think the most nostalgic part about it is our ability to relate to the character of Rory Gilmore. Like us, Rory Gilmore navigates different stages of her academic journey throughout the show. Just as Rory began her studies at Chilton School, this year marks a fresh start of a new semester for many of us in our own academic journey. 

Rory’s dedication and commitment to her studies is something many of us admire when reflecting back on the show. As we are all beginning the new semester or probably even halfway through it already, here are five tips inspired by the iconic Rory Gilmore to ace your academic year! 

1. Stay Organized and Create a Structured Study Schedule 

We all know Rory Gilmore’s iconic and pretty consistent line of,  “I can’t go out tonight. I have to study (Warner Bros., 2000). This is not just a reflection of Rory’s academic dedication but also her commitment to sticking to her responsibilities and study schedule. As much as I would love to say that I use this line all the time when distractions pop up, the reality is that it can be quite difficult to stay disciplined. I’m sure we all face moments where social events, binge-watching a show or chatting with friends sounds a lot more appealing than the school task that was sitting on your to-do list for over a week (trust me, I relate). 

However, having a structured schedule, boundaries, and being organized can help with these issues and prevent one from feeling overwhelmed. A structured schedule also allows you to build a consistent weekly routine for your studies. When distractions or interruptions arise, you’ll have developed stronger boundaries, making it easier for you to say no and to stick to your regular habits.

2.Make Self-Care a Priority- Do not Overwork Yourself  

“Who cares if I’m pretty if I fail my finals”  (Warner Bros., 2000).  

If you’re on TikTok, you’ve likely also heard this iconic Rory Gilmore line making the rounds.

While Rory Gilmore usually eats with the iconic lines, unfortunately, this one can be a bit harmful if interpreted wrong. While it is important to prioritize studying, self-care also comes first. Neglecting yourself for the sake of school is never it. While studying is very important, it is equally important to dedicate time to yourself and the things that you enjoy so you don’t fall into a deep hole of burnout. While Rory prioritizes studying for her finals, I find it just as important to get yourself ready for the day. Whether that means doing your makeup, styling your hair, or putting on your favourite outfits,  then that is completely fine! For me, getting ready for the day is actually what helps me stay even more productive and sets a positive tone. 

Some other ways in which you can have a balance between self-care and your schoolwork is:

  • Schedule breaks in-between your study sessions
  • Engage in Hobbies 
  • Prioritise Sleep
  • Stay Active!

3. Read!

Rory Gilmore is known for always having a book in her hand- whether that be at the library, Luke’s Diner, school, or at home. 

Within our classes, we all are aware of the amount of readings that can build up for just one week. It can be overwhelming and sometimes depending on the reading, maybe even a bit boring and tedious. However, learning how to “romanticize” reading  can help in somewhat changing this perspective. 

Outside of school, it can be helpful to engage in reading books that interest you. It also gives you a little break from the dense readings that you may have to read in your class and is another form of self-care. By integrating enjoyable reading into your routine, you will start to notice that your approach to academic reading might be different.    

4.  Engage and make the most of your classes 

One thing that stood out about Rory, even on her first day of classes at Chilton, was her commitment and enthusiasm to engage in her classes. Rory was actively in competition with her classmate (or even who she considered at times a frenemy) Paris when it came to answering questions that the teachers posed in class (Warner Bros., 2000). This competitive nature in both Paris and Rory is what drove them to academic success but also displayed some of the ways in which they actively engaged in classes. 

Trust me when I say that office hours are your best friend. Attending office hours in university is one of the top ways to stay engaged in your classes and direct questions you may have been confused about in the lecture to your prof/TA. It is also one of the ways to have direct communication with the person who is marking your work and helps to have a solid understanding of what they’re looking for in an assignment.

Outside of office hours, engaging in class (this can be as simple as just paying attention) can be beneficial in the long run when it comes to final exams. 

5.  Set Clear Academic Goals 

Just like Rory had specific goals for her academic career (getting into an Ivy League school), setting your own goals can help improve the overall success of your academic year. Whether that goal is increasing a grade in a class, preparing for an exam, finding a certain amount of credits or mastering skills in a certain subject, knowing what you are working towards will ultimately help with motivation throughout. Setting goals also helps you stay consistent and focused because you know exactly what you are working towards achieving and the steps required for the end goal to be successful.  

An easy way to keep track of your goals is to write them down so you can be reminded of what you’re working towards. Planners, calendars, or journaling is a great way to visually see these goals!


As you all continue your journey into the new semester just remember that like Rory Gilmore, you ultimately have the power to shape your own success.

Good luck with the rest of the semester everyone! 

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Sephrah Luke

York U '25

Sephrah Luke is a new writer at Her Campus at York University and is currently in her 2nd year in the Law & Society program. Her role as a writer involves contributing one article per month, and she usually enjoys crafting pieces within the entertainment, books, and movies sector. Beyond Her Campus, Sephrah is actively involved in her school and home communities. In middle school, she contributed articles to her school newspaper, which sparked her passion for writing. This early exposure to journalism allowed her to explore her love for entertainment writing, focusing on the latest trends, movies, and pop culture. Sephrah is also involved in the York community as an executive of three associations, where she enjoys leading events, initiatives, and creating opportunities for student growth—something she hopes to bring to Her Campus. In her free time outside of school and executive roles, Sephrah enjoys reading, watching reality TV shows, catching up on sleep, creating Pinterest boards, attempting to romanticize school, and rewatching Grey’s Anatomy episodes.