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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

I am sure we have all heard that “laughter is the best medicine” and it is a true statement. Laughing is a good way of boosting mental and physical health while telling your body it’s safe to relax. The first time I truly internalized that laughing (and kicking my feet) was good for me was a few years ago. 

In the middle of midterm season, this eccentric professor teaching an English Literature class took five minutes to do a sort of “laughter therapy.” She would force herself to laugh hysterically to help us and herself relieve stress after the heavy work-filled weeks. Thirty seconds in, I’m convinced we all thought she was crazy. The professor would genuinely not stop laughing. She had encouraged us beforehand to join in but nobody initially did. About a minute and 30 seconds in, she persevered. Laughter truly is contagious because, at one point, I lost my cool. Half of the classroom had ended up participating in the session. After unwinding, the professor got right back to class, but what I took away from that moment was that she wasn’t ashamed to laugh alone and people eventually joined in. It was as if she knew the outcome from the start. 

All in all, laughter is a stress reliever. Now, social media and streaming services have become a common medium for getting the dopamine our brain needs. However, what if we could use other means to achieve laughter, one that is also mentally stimulating? 

Certain video games, in moderation, benefit mental health recovery, social interaction, and even emotional resilience. Of course, at the end of the day, they have one goal: entertainment. So, as a way of boosting laughter and getting that mental break we all deserve, here are a few comedic games I recommend that are sure to get you laughing or smiling at their absurdities. 

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

AD 4nXctdrEqujuSQs2hGatJqhu r5 5gp1vLjsZDzo7qoVS7CuDzia f55xOrnBUIpRfoFRucAEEt Dbfqt1bjz fJyQSIHa9A2YScKcH31bu10N1D7F0k4YgPKywviLWsNjzi1 80mGXJhcUXUJwfsjT7bvRpE?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

Even though this game won’t exactly make you laugh so hard that your stomach will hurt, it is a highly entertaining game that will make you chuckle and think about your choices as you become a new courtroom lawyer. By playing as Phoenix Wright, you will encounter cases, files, and personal lore in an anime-esque visual novel composed of 14 episodes while you embark on courtroom battles full of objections, absurdities, weird characters, and pop culture references.

AD 4nXcIekH1MOk6wWepGrBWhdwHlcSr1RoA5kLPi6k2CfBTBMSRYUN20Z8Vrch 3VsKTsWwEh2awQnOaiB ghSvG4N7MBvmaxLCL3FfVxgIAwhkEfkfOu x75dJ2qP9wilaXDnmkAyebjQIE8dZLuhkWonTn30A?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

(This particular meme went viral a few years ago and is still used to this day)

I got gifted this game on my birthday and now, almost four months later, I am hooked! Through investigating crime scenes, you come across peculiar characters and crucial pieces of evidence that will help you in court as you defend your client to prove they’re not guilty. 

Let me tell you, the amount of times this game has gotten a laugh out of me because of these characters’ dialogues and facial expressions is stupid. Unfortunately, I’ve had to disguise some of these laughs because I am completely guilty of playing this game during class (I’m sorry, professor). If you like How To Get Away With Murder with a dash of the famous Legally Blonde courtroom scenes, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is right for you. 

Laughter Meter: 😂😂😂 / 5

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is available to play through Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox One, and Steam.

The Henry Stickmin Collection

AD 4nXezF VNBoyH1ECIQCJ9bN ULl786ZZswcdtB1ypKZOf4CEw0zLnM6OuUt4pLoXb5lbU2 YKR3cLlJtsB7mzs1zPnflUn7mdv q6B EOaKuaHiiUMsjnDm2Cg7MNajE kQiCLPEsHIwg716PFUpDo9TpThJ8?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

If you’re looking for an absurd and short adventure story-based game with multiple endings, Henry, this stickman here, is your best bet. The Henry Stickmin Collection includes six games: Breaking the Bank, Escaping the Prison, Stealing the Diamond, Infiltrating the Airship, Fleeing the Complex, and Completing the Mission. In each game, the player has to help the protagonist succeed in an assignment through interactive choices that are sure to give you a ridiculous ending.

AD 4nXe5RueO2rgLpmIYMx nZod98pXHkbKD7IsuHiQz7XL3Ux9SgG5AA5zKorBHq7Yey1XCgZW Xztcq635Qz7lthVJNlvUx zaBDtoQhrWq43Nad8L8LTBcLdYTXNnazFg1Emnua36eBE HClh7qHS37nT7WXM?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

I enjoyed this game so much, not only because of its weird humor but also because of the outrageous failures you can get (and there are many). Through various choices and timed responses, you must help Henry with his next maniacal task until you reach the true ending. Plus, some achievements are easy to get if you play through all the actions; however, some are hidden. I highly recommend this game if you want something easygoing.

Laughter Meter: 😂😂😂😂 / 5

The Henry Stickmin Collection is available on Steam.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

AD 4nXcJ39YJi8tD5WmPmokN1D khYQjWSvTtrDx546ubwTw MkluuOnHXVGyU55G0 DJF necqyeY 8EZNiahEVqm5KSGIyTmz7D0 jQbnvolRpqREGijfWED FoXaE1CYmDRahRK2okpvJvsPHICCfUex7KGd?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

This is one of the best comedy games I have ever played! Through the use of an unnamed, most-of-the-time omniscient narrator, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe follows the life of office worker Stanley. As they go around the office, the player is confronted with different pathways around the workplace and may decide not to follow the narrator’s directions, which if disobeyed will then be integrated into the story to achieve a unique ending. 

This game is so entertaining that I vowed to get all the achievements in the game back in 2022 when I first played it. One specific achievement challenges you not to play for 10 years. Even if I have five other achievements I haven’t gotten yet, I’m already two years into the 10-year achievement. Therefore, girl math says to wait eight more years. 

AD 4nXf AVpTmw DIe38xeBCnxZJwXGlFgjXOXH7mhWlCSK6IEQR N0IAZb9SH OHyQW0SgGLkp5V4k4lb4VifdF4exiGGDURQvpHei7w0Z4J0eFnpbv0eJjthZy7Kdz1dSEQy8Evc9Obw9nXXGg0 KqN7JdtKSU?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

Unfortunately, while researching for this article, I found various methods that I could use to cheat on this achievement. Now, I am at a moral crossroads of doing this achievement legitimately or cheating just so I can play again. Also, I recommend watching Markiplier’s gameplay on The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. His commentary, comedic timing, and reactions are absolute gold!

Markiplier’s The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe gameplay on YouTube

Laughter Meter: 😂😂😂😂😂 / 5

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is available to play through Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox One, and Steam.

Overcooked! 2

You have never felt true rage until you’ve played this game with a friend. The stress. The yelling. The. Unwashed. Dishes. When you look back at the memories, they’re funny, but in those moments, there’s only annoyance. 

In this cooking simulator game, teams of up to four players prepare and cook orders in out-of-the-ordinary restaurants to stop an army of undead bread. Players will have to gather, prep, and cook ingredients, combine them on plates to then serve, and wash dishes. The game features many levels and “worlds” with new food and recipes in each level while players race to complete orders before the time runs out with their scores reflected in several stars.

AD 4nXdFiwGbCil311pwklfXSGhlq A4VxFPWFMOL6BThoyd8tyDXMS AkAXutSlGNt3GYmQfa7d9nF0tiWlcmBUnSoU051ntTuht7asnrMJmhR ULVh3v74T43FwQO6Hz MqnIqbN Kv4Wrm2nejhE4H8 cCW8f?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

After playing this game, you will truly understand the pressure of the kitchen dynamic in The Bear because it is bad. If you don’t believe me, take this TikTok for example:

If you don’t believe me, believe TikTok user @imdaukey

Laughter Meter: 😂😂 / 5

Overcooked! 2 is available to play through Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Steam, and Xbox One.

Gang Beasts

Did you ever like WWE as a child? This game is like if WWE and the Backyardigans had a child. In this multiplayer game, you compete against 3 other players to be the last one standing. The rules? There aren’t any. You can resort to dirty tactics or even hide in a corner until everyone knocks themselves off the platform. 

AD 4nXdughQE bZ0zG02NBsosN9qCorWmpjJsXp6NYDE5jPon s7HZRUB5TaWtBRyYsEXIrXtmSkTa9mPiWP4Nzi1yt ECkhKIiYzPptP2wknEcelq6OtkGZznnfmdSnUURsjxhs2VckrU7LpwDIxuYkEUj8bm7W?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

I have fun memories of playing Gang Beasts; From my friends throwing me off a moving truck to drop-kicking me down the stairs to feeding me to the sharks. All kinds of stressful, but hilarious in a way. I recommend this game as a bonding activity with friends. 

AD 4nXfxSI8 5mh W307gsj3kZdYRGA cNFu1KQGc5HscnL90k Z K7QYTASt8mhridGVGVjIVRFEv8kClqXt936LG6P8S2e1Pu0sqSQ7AdLnaf9wj5Fvm00F91XfvMxSzdtSmJG5JJORNDUhePZdDvuhL4lbxG ?key=gouajmQRGUMy6 FkDbO5QQ

Laughter Meter: 😂😂😂 / 5

Gang Beasts is available for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and Steam. 

Hopefully, you get to try out at least one of these games. I hope whichever you play brings you a smile or a laugh!

Nahiomy Cruz Betancourt is a writer at Her Campus at UPR. Her articles generally cover books, movies, history, video games, and music. Beyond Her Campus, Nahiomy was a journalist for 3 years at Pulso Estudiantil where she covered a wide range of topics but focused on Afro-descendants and student life. She has written the short story “Overcoming Silence” for Volume 7 Number 2 of [IN]Genios which is a semiannual University of Puerto Rico literary and investigative magazine. She is currently in her fifth and final year at the University of Puerto Rico majoring in Journalism with a minor in English Literature. When she is not studying or writing, Nahiomy enjoys reading, playing video games, listening to indie music, and impulse buying pretty vinyl. Her favorite books include "An Ember in the Ashes" by Sabaa Tahir and "Legendborn" by Tracy Deonn. She frequently watches 90’s to early 2000’s sitcoms and collects Pokémon cards. The current games she is obsessed with are "Overwatch 2" and "Valorant," but her all time favorite is "Stardew Valley." A movie she always has on repeat is "10 Things I Hate About You." In the future, she would be interested in getting into "Dungeons & Dragons" and collecting "Magic The Gathering" cards.