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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Boo baskets are so in right now! They are invading every social media I scroll on for hours! If you don’t know what these are, they’re baskets filled with items like blankets, candles, plushies, candies, and so much more. There are no limits to what these baskets can be filled with to gift to those you love.

However, have you ever thought about what would be in your boo basket? If not, I got you girlies. Specifically, I’m letting your major decide your basket. I want to warn you that these are just opinions based on stereotypes I’ve heard!


I love my psychology girlies, but I could be biased. The curriculum requires us to study how people function mentally and socially, so it’s honestly a bit stressful, especially with all the terms that need to be memorized. Let alone classes make you watch videos of unethical studies before ethical rules were in place. Let’s not forget people asking if you can psychoanalyze them.

Your basket contains many stress-relieving items so that you can finally feel calmer. You have a blanket to cuddle into, stress relief tea in the mug provided, a candle, stress gummies, skincare, and a shower steamer. So, have a relaxing evening with some snacks and TV binging!


I don’t know how you are still surviving right now. This major has many academic paths, so I understand why you’re always so busy. I don’t think I’ve been able to hang out with any of my friends in this major because of their packed schedules. I know I can’t convince you to take a chill pill, so I’ll take a different approach.

I decided to give you a basket of healthier snack options for all the late nights you stay up finishing your coursework. After all, you’ve learned about anatomy and physiology, so you care about what’s good for the body. All that’s missing in the basket is some coffee or energy drinks to help you pull all-nighters. I would even add a little charm to keep you company!

Editing, Writing, and Media

Where are my Editing, Writing, and Media (EWM) girls? You’re nice girls who do phenomenal work in any publication you join. Meeting deadlines can be stressful, but I know you girls will slay it. The curriculum is all about studying different forms of writing so that you can learn how to edit and shape them for the appropriate audience.

A boo basket sounds perfect for you girls. I want you to relax with a good book of your favorite genre to unwind from all the school-grade text you read in class. I’ve also added comfy items like a blanket, drink cups, and a little plushie. Now, you just need to curl up with one of those books and get lost in the story!

Political Science

I’ll be honest; I don’t know much about this major. However, the political science girls I’ve met are such girl bosses. You are preparing to be the next Elle Woods of the public administration world. Your coursework includes learning about government policies, international affairs, and some pre-law curriculum, which isn’t easy!

All pink feels like the perfect vibe for your basket. There’s a blanket for your downtime, a candle to spice up your room, candy for something sweet, and some essentials to keep in your bag. These items are just extra for you because you already have everything else handled.  

Criminal Justice and Criminology

I can 100 percent say that this major is interesting because I’m a criminology girl. I’d love to say we’re simple and need some cozy items, but I don’t think that’s true. We study crimes committed and types of crime almost every day, which leads to our views on the criminal world. Fun fact: When studying crime, we use homicides as a proxy indicator of crime in an area.

I took a funnier approach with this major, using the stereotype that students study how to be criminals. I think that a very spooky boo basket fits this major a lot. Other than the typical cozy items already in the basket, all the Halloween decorations are the perfect touch. The cherry on top is the Scream mask because if we had to be known criminals, then we would be serial killers.



Didnt have to ask because I always say “treat yo self boo!”. 😂Let me know if you want to see what all i put in my BOO-gie basket 👻 and send this to whoever you want to throw hints at 😉🎃 #boobasket #boobasketideas #spookyseason #boo #treatyoself #bougie #giftbasket #uggs Boo Basket

♬ died dead – tswift_22

You girls will be workaholics in whatever business field you decide to join. You’re the best dressed on campus whenever you have an important event, but I feel bad when you have to walk in the heat with those formal outfits. However, you’re always busy with classwork or events, and I’m not sure you get enough sleep.

This basket has some travel essentials like hand sanitizer, press-on nails, a small toiletry bag, skincare, and lip balm for the girl on the go. My mom always says you should have something nice, so I added a Coach bag for your business meetings. Of course, I also added some sleepwear and UGG slippers for when you’re back at your hotel.


My musically talented girlies are in the house. You girls practice so much to continue improving. I know this major has many branches, but I chose the general music major because I didn’t want to leave anybody out. I’ve heard that you girls can be out of the norm, but embrace it!

I wish I had found a better basket, but this has some basics. You girls need a pair of nice black flats for your performances and beautiful jewelry to complement your black attire. I threw in a body splash because it’s always good to have, along with some sweets to reward yourself after a crazy day.


Your dedication to becoming a teacher for the next generation is incredible, but I know kids of any age are tough! However, you all are some of the most creative people because I know how jaw-dropping your classroom will be decorated.

A simple basket with some candy and decor is perfect for you. A little pumpkin plush, a gnome, and a fake plant will make your desk area look so adorable. I even threw in a craft you could do with your students in your free time! The snacks are for those long teaching days as an experience requirement and a blanket for the classroom or office.

I hope you’re satisfied with your baskets and deem them appropriate for your major. There’s a variety of baskets that can be stereotyped to many majors, but remember that everyone needs a comfy object to cuddle up with after a stressful day of classes.

I was so happy to be able to gift these virtual baskets to you girls! I hope you may be inspired to make one for your college besties and roommates!

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Hi! My name is Arwen Jarquin-Baez and I'm from Tampa, Florida. I am currently studying Criminology and Psychology as a double major on the pre-law track to hopefully join the FBI in the future. I'm a new staff writer for Her Campus at FSU and can't wait to start this journey. I study the social sciences, but love using creative writing as a way to express my nonacademic self. I've always loved how writing gives people the freedom to show their passions, personalities, and styles through words. I want to accomplish sending good vibes and energy to all who read my content. In my free time, I try to read through my "to be read" books, play video games, crochet simple projects, junk journal my life, and catch up on the latest news from my Tik Tok for you page. I'm also always in the market to learn new hobbies. Some of my interests are music, cultures, Disney, and travel.