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Rating The Odds of Every ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 7 Couple To Get Married

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Recently, I’ve been binge-watching Love Is Blind with my boyfriend, and we’ve been loving the latest season so far. We just finished episode four, and the six couples are about to head to Mexico. This article has our opinions on how likely each pairing is to make it to the altar.

Taylor and Garrett – 9/10

In my opinion, Taylor and Garrett are the realest couple in this season. When these two first got screen time I was pretty concerned at what Garrett had to say. He felt reluctant about Taylor since she was keeping her race a secret, and in his words, she seemed calculated. Taylor just explained why she wasn’t telling her race (to truly see if love is blind) and told him that’s just how she’s doing the experiment.

What I loved most after this was Garrett’s acceptance of her response, and how Taylor never resented his initial reservation. They kept it real and carried on. I also want to mention how Taylor made sure to know her worth. She didn’t say yes right off the bat to his advances but made sure he gifted her something special first. She got her favorite flowers and never doubted that Garrett would follow through with getting something nice for her.

Hannah and Nick – 4/10

These two had a rocky start from the beginning and seem to have a rocky foundation going into Mexico. Hannah already pulled away from Nick once, but they did come back together so I’m rooting for these two to work through their differences and come out stronger. Sadly though, I’ve seen this pairing before and it usually doesn’t work. Nick isn’t going to forget when Hannah cut him off in the pods and then asked for him back, and Hannah is going to feel like she’s not living up to his expectations.

Hannah has self-admittedly been feeling insecure, and Nick seems to have done the whole go-for-an-attractive-girl thing in the outside world, but he truly is on Love Is Blind for a change. It was pretty ironic though when the pair initially met, and Hannah was the one dissatisfied with Nick’s appearance.

I’m not sure if Nick hyped himself up more off-camera, but he’s a kicker and seemed like a pretty typical football guy to me. The two-minute debate over Hannah wearing heels was pretty awkward and almost felt passive-aggressive. I think it’s a long shot for these two to work out, but I’m crossing my fingers for them.

Marrisa and Ramses – 7/10

This couple is either locking in until the altar or crashing and burning completely. Marrisa has a bubbly outside, but I think there’s more to her that the viewers and Ramses haven’t seen yet. They are absolutely in a honeymoon phase right after the pods, but when it gets hard, I don’t know if they’ll make it through.

Special mention to Ramses for never even mentioning his random two long locs, and to Marrisa for not even saying anything about them when they met. Compared to Hannah tearing up Nick’s appearance, this was a refreshing and interesting interaction. I think overall, they’re likely to get married since not going through a struggle yet isn’t a bad thing. They fell hard for each other, and I think that can take them far even when conflict does come up.

Ashley and Tyler – 9/10

These two were solid throughout the pods. Ashley and Tyler got a decent amount of screen time throughout the first few episodes, and Ashley was always gushing about Tyler to the girls. Tyler made her a whole meal and sent it over to her, which looked amazing! I think the two are especially compatible since they both feel strongly about their faith and bonded over that early on. I don’t have much to say about these two, but everything I do is positive so far.

Monica and Stephen – 6/10

Something about Stephen doesn’t sit right with me, but my boyfriend thinks I’m crazy since he hasn’t done anything outright weird yet this season. Honestly, Stephen is just being goofy and making Monica laugh, but something seems off about him. Stephen talking about his discovery of his true ethnicity was interesting, but Monica seemed to be really into it so that was a good sign. My boyfriend and I agree that culture is what you grow up on, and reading a book isn’t going to immerse you in it, but good on Stephen for trying to connect.

Together, they seem like a lukewarm couple, and the only real conversation we saw was one about race. They did have a spark of attraction to each other when they met in person, so I’m not sure where these two will end up, but I’m excited to see more of them.

Alexandra and Timothee – 8/10

Alexandra and Timothee are so unproblematic and definitely the best story so far out of the couples. I wish these two got more screen time, but the painting scene was adorable. Why we didn’t get more background as to why they both knew to paint bumblebees is beyond me.

Tim’s family story is truly heartbreaking, and even though we didn’t see how the two ended up so close, we do see Tim open up to Alexandra. Nearly every scene we see with Alexandra, she’s tearing up at one thing or another. Giving his late sister’s bracelet to her shows the audience just how serious they are about each other. Their initial meeting outside the pods seemed to go well, with a good conversation and lots of jokes from Tim. As I said, they’re unproblematic so far, but I’m interested to see how they interact on the day-to-day.

I’m excited to see where these couples end up as the show goes on. We already saw Brittany and Leo get cut at the end of episode four, so anything can happen. I would love to see every couple get married, but let’s be honest, that’s not how Love Is Blind normally works. Stay tuned!

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Olivia Lang writes as a Staff Writer at the Her Campus at Florida State chapter. She covers a variety of topics including culture, lifestyle, and anything FSU! . Prior to writing for Her Campus, Olivia wrote for her high school paper. At the Saxon Scribe she wrote and edited articles for her school. She graduated from Schaumburg High School in the top 7% of her class. Currently, Olivia is a Freshman at Florida State University majoring in Political Science and Economics. . One of Olivia’s passions is playing cello! She’s played for over 7 years, and met some of her closest friends through the music community. Originally from the Chicagoland area, Olivia loves to explore all kinds of music, food, and culture. Olivia also loves to go on runs with her friends, and walks with her cat, Gerber (he’s orange).