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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Reasons Why My Long Distance Relationship Works 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

You can’t help who you fall in love with. It just happens. No one goes into a relationship hoping it will be long distance but if you find yourself in one, you have to make the best of your situation. Here’s some tips that have helped me navigate through mine. My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years now and even though the thought of long distance was scary to me at the start, we now have started to master this challenge. 


Communication is one of if not the biggest factor in a long distance relationship. One of the worst feelings is feeling like you are out of the loop, especially from your partner. I know it can be hard to communicate your feelings and thoughts over the phone or messages but it really makes a difference. Especially communicate if you are going to be busy and won’t be able to talk or text much. Sometimes texting is all you have and it really sucks when you message them and don’t know why you’re not getting a text back.

  1. Daily phone calls or Facetimes 

This one goes hand and hand with communication but what I have found that helps is calling my boyfriend every night. Whether it be a phone call or Facetime, hearing your partner’s voice always helps after a long day and if you guys couldn’t text as much that day you always remember that you have a daily phone call to catch up. I like that it always gives me something to look forward to during the day.

  1. Plan dates  

Whether these dates are your partner visiting you, you visiting your partner or dates over the phone, make sure you always have scheduled “date” time with your partner. I have noticed this helps a lot in my relationship and since my boyfriend only lives an hour away so it is naturally easier for him to come up one weekend and see me. I know this is not realistic and many other couples are further away from each other which limits them to only Facetime dates. But let me tell you a Facetime date can be just as special as a real date because you both are creating time in your schedule to talk and do something one on one. 

  1. Always be optimistic 

This one is huge in long distance relationships. If you have a pessimistic mindset on your long distance relationship chances are it won’t last long. Obviously I’m not saying to never be sad because a good crying sesh always helps but try to think with the glass half full. If you speak good things into existence, good things will come back to you. Long distance is not for the weak and some days it feels like you’re never going to see your partner again but on these days it’s important to be positive and remember that your love is so strong that not even distance can break it. One thing me and my boyfriend like to do is plan when we are going to see each other next and what we’re going to do when we see each other. Giving yourself something to look forward to makes you remember how grateful you are for your time together and it takes you away from the negativity of the situation.

Samantha Geary

Holy Cross '28

Hello! I’m Samantha Geary and I’m from Lynnfield Massachusetts. I am a freshman at the College of the Holy Cross and I plan to major in Neuroscience. I love hanging out with my friends, my family, the beach, watching movies and trying new restaurants.