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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

As the school year starts, so do the endless thoughts in our heads that tell us that we aren’t good enough.  We know them all at this point:  I’ll never succeed in my classes.  I don’t deserve to be in college.  I’ll never make any friends.  I’m alone.  I’m cowardly.  I’m not good enough for anything.

These thoughts have haunted me like ghosts for years.  At one point, I accepted them as true.  But this year, I’ve had enough of letting them take over who I am.  This year, I take back my confidence and my identity.  The thoughts hurt, but they’re only thoughts.  They’ll never be the person that I am.  By rising up and believing in myself, I can win the battle against my negative mind.  And I want to say the same thing to you.

Girl, you got this.

You can succeed in your classes.  You earned your place in your college.  You’re surrounded by amazing people who won’t let you feel alone.  You are courageous and beautiful and kind.  You are good enough.

Girl, you got this.

You can overcome the negative thoughts that seem omnipotent.  You are more than what you tell yourself.  No thought will ever be more than who you are.  So stop letting them control you and realize that you are capable of being who you dreamed to be.  

You are worthy.  You are capable.  You are enough.

Say it with me now.  

You are worthy.  You are capable.  You are enough.

Girl, you got this.

Olivia Fleming

Augustana '23

Hi! My name is Olivia, and I am a freshman at Augustana college. I am studying Psychology, English, and Creative Writing. With the hope of becoming a clinical or forensic psychologist. This is my first year writing for HerCampus and I specialize in poetry and fictional writing. Some of my hobbies include writing (obviously), traveling, passing time with friends, and playing the cello. At college, I am a part of the literary magazine, psychology club, NAMI, the orchestra, and some leadership and service clubs. One fun fact about me is that I have traveled out of the country five times!