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5 Things we can learn about how to be a true princess from Mia Thermopolis herself

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

They’re making The Princess Diaries 3? Shut up!

Like me, I am sure you all squealed in excitement after Anne Hathaway blew the world away with her viral announcement that The Princess Diaries 3 is in the works. While I am sure we are all excited to see Princess Mia’s infinite selection of dresses and royal suitors, I’m equally interested in what new lessons Mia Thermopolis will be offering us. Before watching Princess Diaries 3, let’s recap what we have already been taught about being a true princess. Without further ado, here are the five most valuable lessons we have learned from Princess Mia.

1.      Authenticity is key

Mia Thermopolis never lost who she was when her world was flipped upside-down and she became a princess. Even post-makeover she remains true to herself, always saying how she truly feels, such as when she initially rejects royalty from her grandmother who she has just learned is the queen; “I’m no princess, I am still waiting for normal body parts to arrive! I refuse to move to and rule a country, and do you want another reason? I don’t want to be a princess!” Despite discovering she is sitting across from royalty, Mia says exactly what she thinks, showing that she will not change her mannerism or who she is for anybody. She is frequently seen straying away from Genovia’s patriarchal traditions by rejecting marrying for the throne and stomping on the feet of boys who deserve it (iconic). She demonstrates that no matter what kind of pressure you are under, and no matter who wants you to change, the best way to be is your authentic self.

2. Beauty is not skin-deep  

Mia undergoes one of the most iconic makeovers of all time to fit the “princess mould.” Yes, we all loved that part of the movie. However, post-makeover Mia does not change. She is still that clumsy California girl, who is more comfortable in jeans than a ballgown. She proves that it is not this makeover that makes her a princess, but her actions and character. For Instance, she shows up for her Grandmother and her country when she decides to accept her title and responsibilities, and after showing up late in a rain-drenched hoodie and jeans, she addresses the audience saying, “But then I thought, if I cared about the other 7 billion out there instead of just me, that’s probably a much better use of my time. See, if I were Princess of Genovia then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard, and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions.” Mia shows us that a makeover, no matter how fantastic, is only surface-level. When she makes her announcement, standing in front of hundreds of guests, drenched from head to toe, it is her inner beauty that has won over the crowd. 

3.      Forgiving is important

In the first two movies, Heather Matarazzo plays Lily Moscovitz, Mia’s outspoken and eccentric best friend.. Despite a clear redemption arc, she remains a controversial character to many fans and is often labelled as a “toxic” best friend. In the first movie, she is shown to be unsupportive of the changes that Mia is going through, saying things like, “Who destroyed you,” and “You sold out” regarding her new look. However, Mia shows us all what the grace of a true princess looks like. She understands that her friend is making these comments because she feels like she is losing Mia to her new glamorous life. This is not the only fight they have throughout the movie; another occurs when Mia is unable to make an important event of Lily’s and doesn’t tell her in time. In this case, Mia may be to blame. However, on all these occasions they make up and their friendship continues to blossom over the two movies, showing them as true rocks to each other. In this instance, both Lily and Mia show that true princesses can put themselves in someone else’s shoes and be able to empathise with and forgive others.

4.      You don’t need a prince to save you

Princess Diaries 2 focuses on Mia’s mission to find a husband to fulfil a long-term Genovian law that requires a queen to be married.Throughout the movie, Mia is stuck battling a law that requires her to marry before becoming queen, a requirement only imposed on women. Princess Mia feels in her heart that marrying for anything but love is the wrong thing to do. More importantly, she knows that she, like her grandmother, does not need a man to be a successful ruler. She uses her grandmother (the iconic Julie Andrews) as a prime example: “My grandmother has ruled without a man at her side for quite some time and I think she rocks at it!” She makes a speech to the entire wedding crowd  after running from the altar in fear, then returning with clarity on what she must do, declaring, “I stand here ready to take my place as your queen without a husband.” She, of course, wins everybody over, and goes on to make an excellent queen. Princess Mia proves that you do not need a man to get you anywhere in life, you just need to be confident in yourself.

5.      Remember to have fun!

This is potentially what makes Mia the most fun and relatable princess to exist. Despite all the rules, regulations, and advice being thrown at her, Mia knows when to throw caution to the wind and find time to create beautiful and silly moments filled with laughter and love. Just remember her birthday party, which I am sure we were all jealous of when she slid down the castle staircase  on a mattress. Even better, when she shocked everyone by making an impromptu stop to walk with a group of children from the orphanage during the Independence Day parade. Princess Mia knows when to go against typical protocol, and she spreads incredible moments of joy and happiness to others. It is these moments that make the movie so magical. So take these lessons from the movies and remember to share your small joys with the world, because who knows what magic you will find in return…

Megan Boxwell

St. Andrews '24

Hi! I'm Meg! I'm 21 and I'm in my third year studying French and Spanish at St Andrews. I love travelling and exploring new cultures and I'm a big yes person, I'm almost always down to try new things. A few of the little things I love include fashion, coffee, wine, music (especially if it's just a beautiful voice and a guitar on it's own), reading and surprise surprise, writing! I'm so excited to be part of hercampus this year!