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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Although fall typically means sweaters, cute jeans, and pumpkin picking, to me, fall means so much more. Fall is by far my favorite season for so many reasons. A new routine, the start of a new school year, and self reflection- fall is always the start of new beginnings. Fall tends to trend under the radar between highs of summer and winter. During this time, I love to soak in the crisp warm weather and move onto a new phase of life. Fall brings change with a sense of ease.

self reflection

During fall, I always take the time to do some reflecting on my summer, the upcoming school year, and how life has been playing out. I look back on what worked for me during the past school year and what didn’t.For example, my eating, ways I studied, how I took care of myself, and my overall well-being. Did the way I study worked? Are there any changes I want to make to my nutrition and how I fuel my body? I always reflect on summer and everything I accomplished then. This summer had a lot of personal and unexpected challenges. However, I stayed creating good habits between shadowing for my future career, new jobs, and taking time for my family. I want to continue to carry these habits into the school year with me. Although I love fall for the beautiful weather and cute outfits, I also love this season because I can take time for myself and think about my past. 

new routines

With self reflection comes changing my routines for the school year. As I mentioned, I always think about what worked during the school year versus what didn’t. For example, I had some classes where I had to study totally differently than others. Some I could just simply reread my notes, while others I had to rewrite my notes and use active recall. When fall comes around, I try new productive routines like planning out my week ahead of time, starting to study earlier for an exam, all while tackling a new and challenging class schedule. I came into college undecided, but now that I have declared my major as exercise science, classes have started to ramp up. Because of this, every fall, I have to create a new study and homework routine depending on what I’m taking. To me, fall means building new plans to make the school year easier. 


During fall equinox the time during the day and night are equal. Fall is literally about finding balance, just like night and day. I am a student-athlete, and with that comes many challenges. Late night practices, having a hard time fitting in homework, sore bodies, and so much more. When preseason starts to ramp up, I always have to remind myself to find balance between my sport and my outside life. Sometimes, my sport consumes all my time. Even though I would never trade the world for it, everything revolves around it. In the fall, I always try to make time for myself, family, and friends so I can create these habits before I get too busy. Personally, when I think of fall, I think of finding balance between my sport and regular life.  

I do love the fall vibes and weather, but I love the deeper meaning of it even more. To me, fall is a time of new and good change. I always look forward to fall and everything it brings. Between self reflection, new routines, and finding balance, fall is by far the best season. 

Macarthy Keane

West Chester '26

Gymnast at West Chester University Writer for Her Campus at WCU