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My 8-Step Spa Night Routine That Gets Me Through the Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Wednesdays can often feel like the most challenging day of the week, with the weekend seeming far away and the pressure of upcoming deadlines starting to build up. That’s why I’ve turned this midpoint into something to look forward to by designating it as my weekly spa night. It’s become my little escape from the craziness — a chance to chill, recharge, and reset.

It was initially tough to stay consistent with self-care routines, especially with the demands of school and work piling up, but making Wednesdays my spa night gave me a structure to stick to. It’s not just about pampering myself; it’s about mentally resetting and preparing to finish the week strong. By the time Thursday rolls around, I feel recharged, my skin feels refreshed, and my mind is clearer. It’s like hitting the reset button and gearing up for the weekend. These steps have helped me slow down, focus on myself, and get ready for the final push toward the weekend:

Choose a playlist

I love starting my spa night with music. Chris Stapleton is my go-to, especially with a Spotify mix that introduces me to more of his songs. The Eagles are a close second, and Lana Del Rey is always in the mix.

Apply a Hair Mask

I’m usually not great at staying consistent with hair masks, but Wednesday spa nights have helped with that. While my hair mask works its magic, I set up my post-shower items on the sink, getting ready for the rest of my routine.

Everything Shower

This step is pretty straightforward — it’s when I do it all. This extensive shower routine includes a deep clean for my hair and a full-body shave…you know, the works. My everything shower is something that has to be done, and this makes my self-care nights enjoyable.

Apply Whitening Strips

After brushing my teeth, I apply whitening strips and leave them on for no longer than 45 minutes. After some trial and error, I’ve finally perfected the timing and placement for the best results. My teeth always come out nice and pearly white.


Post-shower, I start my skincare routine with a vitamin C serum, followed by hyaluronic acid and a dark spot corrector. After letting it all sit for five to 10 minutes, I apply a moisturizing sheet mask instead of my usual moisturizer, just for Wednesdays.


I follow up by applying a leave-in conditioner and braiding my hair out of the way. This protects my hair while I sleep and makes sure it comes out with a glossy shine. No bedhead the next morning for me!


In my fluffy robe, I either grab a book or a 90s music magazine. Sometimes, if I’m too tired, I just close my eyes until my face mask dries up. The key is not forcing myself to do anything if I’m not up for it.

Peel Off

It’s time to take off the face mask and whitening strips. My once covered-up face now has a new glow. Now I can enjoy my night all nice and fresh.

If you’re one to self-tan, consider this step here!


Once I’ve completed all the previous steps, I slip into comfy pajamas, turn on my show, and wind down for the night. It’s bedtime!

Remember, everyone’s self-care routine can look different depending on what works for them. This routine has become my reward for making it through the first half of the week. By the end of it, I feel refreshed, calm, and ready to take on Thursday and Friday. It’s a simple but huge difference in my energy and mindset for the rest of the week.

I always wake up on Thursday feeling more prepared and motivated after knowing I’ve taken the time to reset. It’s become my little midweek ritual that I can count on to boost my mood and keep me feeling balanced, no matter how hectic things get.

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Celine Serap is a junior at Florida State University, majoring in Risk Management & Insurance and Finance. Aside from being a Staff Writer for Her Campus FSU, she enjoys spending time tanning, discovering new music, and being with friends.