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“Stay” Piano Song, and a Contemplation of Life’s Events

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Throughout college, I constantly carried this feeling of loneliness inside of me. I could never find people who I connect with on an interpersonal level. Every friendship I ever had faded into the mist. They lasted for a few weeks, to months, and I never saw the people again. This feeling of loneliness is reflected in Chad Larson’s song, as it shows a photo played in the video of a city of lights, not a single person walks on the sidewalk because emptiness is both a dark and bright place. 

In college, alone time will allow you to reflect on anything you are going through, and to process your feelings and thoughts. Taking a walk and stopping to ponder on your thoughts allows your mind to become clear of anything you are ruminating about. 

I like to imagine myself standing alone on a sidewalk with sparkly buildings in an empty space, like the man in the song trying to escape the chaos. In the next scene in the song people quickly walk into their homes to fulfill their responsibilities, and like time, these memories go quickly, like the music rising to an upbeat speed. College is full of responsibilities. Taking a break from these responsibilities allows us to clear our minds and focus on which ones are the most important at the time to get done. Many of these responsibilities for many college students include taking care of the place they live at. Being aware of how you are managing your time to fulfill your responsibilities for organizing your home is critical for being successful in college, because having a clean living space helps you to think clearer. 

A group of people stand together putting bags on an old car, hoping to carry their bags with them, hoping their car can carry the weight of what is inside the bags. The music plays in a high-pitched tone and quickly against time, as if to express the weight of the bags they had to put on the car brought them heaviness, but they always felt a strong sense of community together and a love for each other. College, like picking up large bags to put in a car, is a lot of emotional weight for college students. The pressure to study, do internships, work, clubs, and maintain a social life puts a lot of heavy emotional weight on the body. Having a strong community of people such as friends, family, professors, and tutors will help you to cope with these pressures better and become more successful in your endeavors.

A tree in a forest is shown while the music plays fast, like they need to escape the world they live in to find a safe space to experience peace. Peace is found through the reflection you do to consider where you wish to continue with your endeavors and how much pressure you should put on yourself, so you do not fall over. 

I would like to develop deep relationships with people in college like the photo of the people sitting together, bringing warmth to each other’s lives in the music video. The piano plays slowly at times and slightly suddenly speeds up in between the slow notes played because like relationships, they start slowly. Throughout time, they become deeper, and you spend time together more often. This is how I like to reflect on my relationships forming, because I want to get to know a person over a long period of time. I want to be able to have relationships where people trust me to be able to feel comfortable peeling off their layers to me. I want college to be a time where I form deep bonds but also let go of many relationships that I used to have, as I discover who I am and where I fit in, in society. I know my closest relationships will take time because people are like slow piano notes, since they reveal themselves slowly, as I get to know people. 

A man stares at a lake against mountains. Sunlight beams from behind the mountains. He stretches his arm out to rest on a tree. The music continues moving slowly and suddenly fast, because you can only lean on the tree for short periods of time. Then you need to climb mountains and reach the top of your life, because when you hopefully become old, you have succeeded in many accomplishments.

I envision myself climbing the top of the mountain, by studying, doing homework, internships, clubs, or jobs to reach the pinnacle of the mountain of success.  

As you see, having a strong support system, taking breaks, and working hard in and out of the classroom is critical to succeeding in college. Reflecting on how to succeed takes time and energy, and providing yourself with the space to use this energy is essential to knowing how to be accomplished in college. 

Rachael Weiser

West Chester '26

I am an English major and earning my Global Awareness Pathway Certificate at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. I am an observant, creative, intuitive, open-minded, and compassionate person. I have a passion for all types writing. In 2021, I won the Excellence in Creative Writing Award. In 2020, I won first place for the Mahatma Gandhi Essay Writing Award (Association of Indians South Jersey Chapter. In 2017, I won first place for The Siegelbaum Literary and Visual Arts Competition. I have also had several writing internships.