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Wellness > Sex + Relationships


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Many students transitioning from high school to college are also learning how to maintain their romantic relationships during the process. It’s a thrilling yet challenging time with new environments, schedules, and experiences, which may make you wonder if it’s worth it to keep your relationship alive throughout this time; or if it’s even realistic. It may be challenging but it’s not impossible if you’re willing to put in the work. Based on personal experience, here are some tips that may help you and your partner. 

  1. Accept the Challenges 

During your transitions, you have to understand that it won’t be easy. Maintaining a high school relationship in college can be difficult for several reasons like physical distance; you might be attending different colleges or live far apart which may lead to feelings of loneliness or disconnection. Your schedules may not align or you may have other commitments like a job, club, etc. Learning how to cope with these challenges will benefit your relationship. 

  1. Communicate Openly and Honestly

Openly talking during this process is key. Communicating your feelings, concerns, expectations, etc, will allow your partner to understand more of what you’re going through. With that, you’re allowed to talk about your goals and plans for the future to ensure you’re both on the same page. 

  1. Trust and Independence

Without trust, there is no foundation for your relationship. If you’re constantly worrying about where your partner is or what they may be doing, it will negatively impact your well-being and cause tension between you two. You should encourage your partner to explore new opportunities instead of holding them back based on your fears. Being able to grow individually will strengthen your relationship in the long run. 

  1. Stay connected

Make time for each other. Whether that’s by texting, calling, or meeting each other face-to-face, have a time you can set aside during the day or week for them. Being able to maintain your bond while having your own experiences will cause a good balance in your relationship. With that comes having to be flexible with your schedules. 

  1. Have fun

This is an amazing opportunity for you and your partner to figure out who you are and who you want to be. This is the time for you to meet lifelong friends, strengthen your connections, create positive memories, and experience new things. 

Deciding whether to stay with your high school partner during college depends on several factors. These factors may include the distance between you and your partner, your trust in your partner, your ability to balance your relationship and other responsibilities, and more. However, there are many ways to overcome these challenges. Every situation is different and there’s no wrong choice between staying or leaving your partner while transitioning. Just remember to do what you believe is best for you and your college career. 

Abbey Huffer

George Mason University '28

Abbey Huffer is a freshman majoring in Criminology and will be minoring in forensic psychology. She intends to attend law school or join the FBI after undergrad. Abbey loves writing, listening to music (specifically R&B), and binge-watching TV shows with her two cats. She was a staff writer and editor-in-chief for her high school's newspaper, mostly focusing on her opinions and current news.