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margot robbie in a barbie movie
margot robbie in a barbie movie
Warner Bros
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I’d always thought that I would have a more traditional type of college journey, but when I made the decision to withdraw 5 years ago, I knew that it was the right one. Honestly, the saying everything happens for a reason couldn’t be more true. I got to experience amazing changes that have made me more prepared than ever to finish college! Also, I won’t lie… FIU is definitely the nicest campus I’ve attended (sorry Albs). However, college isn’t the only thing that I want to accomplish.

Getting my driver’s license is another major goal for me. Yes, being passenger princess is the best, but living in Miami has definitely taught me that I truly need to have a car! I’ve also been getting a bunch of TikToks on my feed about cute girly car accessories & I believe it’s a sign! I mean, why didn’t y’all tell me that having a car was just another excuse to go shopping?! 

Traveling & event planning are next on my list. Traveling for me is non-negotiable. I truly believe the only way to enjoy life is to travel AT LEAST three times a year. I love taking weekend trips back home to NY & I most definitely love escaping for a week or two to visit a brand-new city or country! I would lowkey love to make a living out of traveling if this whole media career thing falls through! (Haha I’m just kidding, or am I…) 

When I lived in Ecuador (from birth to 5 years old) I would be surrounded by parties all of the time. My uncle would make decorations for parties & my family was literally always throwing a party. I never knew how much I would end up loving event planning! I pride myself in being extra, and focusing on all of the small details of the decor for events. I have even DIY’d majority of my baby boys’ birthdays & baby shower decorations! My sister-in-law was so impressed that asked me to setup her backyard wedding, which truly meant so much to me! I don’t know if the chaos that happens before the actual party is what gives me such an adrenaline rush, but I love making things aesthetically pleasing or perfectly on theme. I cannot wait until I’m older with no party budget- I’ll go even BIGGER! 

dance scene in Barbie movie
Warner Bros

Passions aside, I truly just want to focus on me and what makes me happy. Spending time with my loved ones is a safe haven I will cherish that forever. Now, it’s just about finding that perfect balance of focusing on myself while maintaining my relationships. Nonetheless, I just know, I’m ready to do my big one. 

Hi! My name is Ariana Espinoza. I am Ecuadorian & I was raised in New York. Im currently transitioning to a Digital TV & Multimedia Production major as a Sophomore transfer. I am also a mom to a beautiful boy & three cats. I love watching reality TV and event planning (as well as DIY-ing everything for those events) I am very excited to be a part of HerCampus at FIU as I have had prior experience within the HerCampus multiverse! I was a writer & social media manager (Facebook) for HerCampus MMC & was a part of Campus Trendsetters. This year, I plan on getting involved even more within the HerCampus community while writing articles from a much older perspective. I truly do love it!