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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Whenever finals come around, it feels like the end of the world is close by, there’s a constant, never-ending cycle of assignments and long, aching nights of hitting the books. From what I’ve heard though, this is a very common feeling amongst university students. What I’ve also heard is that stress isn’t good for you! While school is important, it is equally important to have a balance. You’ve probably heard of work-life balance, and it’s the same concept, students should also feel like individuals when they’re off campus. In order to help with this, I’ve provided some tips that I find useful when it comes to getting rid of final exam anxieties. 

Go for a ‘Hot Girl’ Walk 

While the weather is starting to get chillier, getting some fresh air can really help break apart long study sessions. Being in the same environment for a long period of time can really drain you of your motivation. This may be easier said than done but put on a winter coat, put your headphones in, and go for a short walk. You can even treat yourself to a nice cup of hot chocolate. 

DIY Spa Day 

Whenever exams come around, my back starts killing me– it doesn’t help that I spend so much time hunched over my computer. What helps though, is treating yourself to an at-home spa day. I suggest taking an ‘everything’ shower, even if you aren’t going anywhere, putting in that extra effort into yourself can really boost your mood. Throw on a face mask, turn on a diffuser and just relax for a couple of hours. After all, self-care is important, especially during exams! 

Create a Study Group 

One thing that causes stress in terms of finals is not knowing where to start when it comes to studying. This is why finding a group, or even a study partner can be beneficial, not only to your stress levels, but to your academics. You get the benefit of hearing their perspective, asking questions and working together to make sure you understand key concepts. Plus, it has a social component that can help studying feel more calming. 

Pick up a Hobby 

This might make you feel like you’re procrastinating your work, or it might seem trivial to pick something up while you’re already cramming for exams. Yet, finding something that feels productive to do outside of school can alleviate the sense that you’re wasting your free time. This hobby could be something as simple as doing puzzles, or even trying out a new cookie recipe. As long as you can balance your hobby and your studies, this is a really simple way to destress. 

Affirmations and Meditation 

When you’re in the middle of a chaotic time of year, it’s really easy to slip into hard times. I think reminding yourself that you are worth more than your grades should be mandatory around exams. One bad mark will not impact you in 30 years, so there’s no need to feel impending doom from your exams. Take some time, close your eyes and reflect. Think about all your positive qualities and let yourself know that you’re doing a great job. 

Don’t Neglect Sleep 

You might have heard that all-nighters and chugging caffeine are a normal part of university, and sometimes you might have to get something done at the last minute. However, this shouldn’t be the norm. If you have an important exam the next day, you’ll need to be well-rested in order to fully understand the questions you’re being asked. When you sleep, your body recharges and allows you to get work done more efficiently. So get your beauty sleep, your brain will thank you! 

Scream into a Pillow 

Okay, hear me out. As ridiculous as this sounds, screaming into a pillow can actually reduce the feeling of stress. It’s in our human nature to want to express and let out our emotions, meaning you should grab your pillow and just scream. Let out the frustrations that school is causing you, and hope that you’re not loud enough to bother your roommates. 

In conclusion, don’t let stress eat away at you, and find time to enjoy things that YOU like to do. Find that balance in which you can study, while also feeling a sense of relaxation. University doesn’t have to be scary and stressful, especially if you can find ways to manage and maintain your stress levels. 

Chrysoula Stamatelos

Wilfrid Laurier '27