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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Fall is the season of warmth and comfort, and one way to embrace the coziness of the season is by rereading your favorite books and rewatching your favorite movies. Of course, it’s fun and exciting to meet new authors, characters, and storylines, but I love reconnecting with the ones I already know. The anticipation of knowing I’m approaching a moment or chapter that I enjoyed reading and the excitement of noticing small details I missed during my original read/watch fills me with a different sense of joy. 

One series that I love rereading and rewatching, especially during Fall and Winter, is Harry Potter. With all of the academic readings I am assigned for classes, it is such a relief to pick up a book that was initially written for children and read with ease. The movies, not as good as the books but still nostalgic and comforting, serve the same purpose. I don’t need to worry about not being able to get into the storyline, and I just get to have fun picking up on new things. 

While the comfort pairs perfectly with the chilly weather, I also love rereading and rewatching during other seasons. This past summer, I reread all of Emily Henry’s books because I love her writing and characters, and they fit right in with my other summer activities. Regardless of the temperature outside, if you need a mental break, I recommend opening your favorite book or putting on your favorite movie for some relief.

Anna Cerami

Holy Cross '26

Anna Cerami is a junior at the College of the Holy Cross majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. She loves reading, watching movies, and spending time with friends in her free time.