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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

In the height of midterm season, these past weeks have been stressful and chaotic. Trying to juggle school work while also trying to maintain balance is an issue that unfortunately can not be escaped. And although the weeks are increasingly stressful, the weekends are often seen as a time to recharge by going out at night. After spending the majority of the day in the library, going out at night is a way to have fun and hopefully escape studying and work. But I won’t deny that there are days that staying in the library is exhausting and you need a recharge that is not going out. 

The pressure to go out on the weekends can seem consuming, but taking care of yourself should be a priority. Although self-care looks different for everyone, not going out on a weekend can be the respite that you need. Pushing past the FOMO and just watching your favorite show, going to bed earlier, reading, etc. can help you feel rejuvenated, especially during the super stressful midterms. It’s imperative that at a stressful time like this, you put your needs first, however that may look. Prioritizing balance is one of the most important things that you can do to help ease a bit of the stress off of midterm season. Even if that means staying in on a weekend, allowing yourself to rest and take it easy can be extremely beneficial. Despite the stress that comes with midterms, staying in on the weekend can help alleviate some of the chaos.

Hayley Sgro

Holy Cross '28

I am a freshman in college at Holy Cross majoring in Economics. My passions are in fashion and wellness!