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Fashion Influencer Turned High Fashion Stylist

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

With all the fashion weeks in Paris and New York City ending, it’s important to highlight some of the events that happened. In January of this year, KidSuper, a fashion company owned by Colm Dillaine, invited TikToker Wisdom Kaye to design, cast, and style every look for their fall collection. This will make history. When has an influencer created a complete fashion set for a runway show?  

Wisdom Kaye is a male fashion influencer who blew up during COVID-19. He designed outfits representing different countries and colors and even designed outfits to represent different fonts on Microsoft. He is nothing but talented in the fashion field, so obviously, he was noticed by the runway fashion world.  

Kaye found out he was styling KidSuper’s fall collection in the middle of December 2024. When he received the news, he looked at all the clothes samples they provided and mixed patterns to make unique outfits. He continuously designed while traveling to New York City and Milan, and finally, he made it to Paris. Once he got to Paris, he worked straight away with Dillaine on casting models and trying on the outfits he designed in person. He went to various fashion shows during PFS to gain inspiration for his set, but before he knew it, it was the night of the Kid Super Fall Collection show.  

The show was amazing. Every outfit was a piece of art truly representing what “high fashion” means. The models were committed to their outfits, the environment of the runway show was mysterious, and everything was perfect, in my opinion. This was a triumphant moment for Kaye, and there were already numerous rumors that he was styling for other companies. 

One of the most important things to take away from this event is if you want to have a presence on social media or potentially be an influencer, don’t give up! People like Wisdom Kaye and other influencers put themselves out there, represent what they love and what they are passionate about, and get recognition for what they love. Having a TikTok influencer do something this big is revolutionary, and hopefully, it will inspire more micro-influencers to reach for the stars because anything can happen! 

Hello! I am a first-year journalism student with a minor in criminal justice at Temple University. I have interests in photography, literature, writing, fashion, and true crime. My dream career is to work for the Boston Globe Spotlighters. After I watched the movie Spotlight, I knew instantly that I wanted to be a journalist and that I wanted to use my words and writing to help people. Researching and learning have always amazed me; I see myself as a student of life. I love to take pictures of nature, fashion, and food. My blog, "My eyes through a camera," is about a photo I took and what it means to me. I hope to change the world for the better one day.