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Joslyn’s Favorite “Suits” Characters

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

Currently, my boyfriend and I have been watching “Suits” on Netflix. As we are on Season 8 of 9, I have formed some opinions about the many characters. Thus, these are my top 5 characters from the show. 

*spoilers ahead*

#1 Louis Litt

Although at first I did not like Louis, he grows on you. His sass is unmatched and his catchphrase, “You just got Litt up!” is the best. Louis also has the highest billables in the firm. The other positive aspects that Louis has are that he is friendly, wants to be the best leader at the firm as Managing Partner, how the scenes with Louis and Dr. Lipschitz can be funny or touching, and his character development is arguably the best in the show. The way Louis became a Name Partner and his relationship with Shelia Sazs are also two great storylines.

#2 Donna Paulsen

Donna is my 2nd favorite because of her sarcastic humor and way of knowing the drama before it is told to her. As well as the fact that she is the Harvey and Louis whisperer. She cares a lot about the firm and the “family” of coworkers around her. Donna is also loyal by staying as Harvey’s legal secretary for 12 years starting at the prosecutor’s office and then moving to Pearson Hardman Law Firm and knows what she deserves like how she told Harvey that she should be promoted from legal secretary to Chief Operating Officer at Pearson Spector Litt (and all the updated names of the firm). Her and Harvey’s can opener inside joke is also one of my favorites, although I wish they would directly tell us what it is that they do.

#3 Harvey Specter

At the beginning of the series, Harvey was my #1 favorite character. Harvey’s character development throughout the series is entertaining, like when he heals his past traumas by reconnecting with his mother. He also helps the show expose how anxiety can feel, like when he had panic attacks after Donna left his life and left as his legal secretary. Another positive about Harvey is that he is the “best closer in New York and at the firm”. Harvey also takes Mike Ross under his wing by giving him a job at Pearson Hardman Law Firm and showing him how to be a real lawyer. Harvey even takes it a step further by offering to go to prison in Mike’s place, when Mike doesn’t take him up on that offer, Harvey devises a plan on how to get Mike out of prison. However, I disliked that Harvey sometimes has a big ego, and when he started dating his therapist, Paula, instead of dating Donna. However, he did redeem himself in my eyes when Paula made the ultimatum to break up or fire Donna and Harvey chose to break up with Paula.

#4 Mike Ross

Mike has always been a middle to low-end character in my mind. Since he left the show by moving to Seattle, he is more forgettable to me. The main negative of Mike is that he is a fraud and lied to everyone around him for years. Although he made some poor choices, Mike overall is not a bad person. While Mike was in prison, he became close with his cellmate, Kevin Miller. When Mike was getting out he made sure to get Kevin a deal to get out of prison too, he also managed to get Kevin’s wife a deal to testify against her father in exchange for not going to prison. Once Mike got out of prison he received the official BAR licensure. After he received that he started working on pro bono cases and working at the Eastside Legal Clinic and helped get reinforcements for those cases that needed more paralegals and associates to work them. In the end, Mike leaves the show after Season 7, so in the last two seasons he is a bit forgotten other than when Harvey brings him up due to missing him.

#5 Jessica Pearson

Jessica is a bit frightening to many characters and even some viewers. She was the Managing Partner at Pearson Hardman (and the many names the firm has), a top law firm in New York City. She also led a coup with Mr. Hardman to take over the law firm they were working for to become Name Partners. Jessica fights for what she believes in and has taken the fall for Harvey and Mike before. One example is when she offered to let the BAR Association take her license in New York instead of potentially taking Harvey’s. The negatives of Jessica are that she breaks the law in several cases and that she left the show in Season 6 so she isn’t as much of a standout character as the others.

Joslyn Stauffer

Bowling Green '27

Joslyn is a second year student at Bowling Green State University, studying Criminal Justice with a specialization in forensic investigation. Some of her favorite things are the ocean, the mountains, spending time with friends and family, and making new friends!