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5 Things My Mom Taught Me That Every Woman Should Know

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

The age-old saying “Mother knows best” never fails to ring true. It wasn’t until I was 21, reflecting on the ups and downs of my undergraduate years, that I realized how right my mom was all along. I remember calling her and saying, “Wow, you were right about everything.” Her response? A simple “I know,” and I could practically hear her smiling through the phone.

Like many moms, mine is incredible. But unlike most moms, mine is a fashion designer and entrepreneur who spent the better part of her life in New York City. Alongside her vibrant lifestyle came an abundance of trials, tribulations, joy, life experience, and, thus, wisdom. Although I spent most of my teenage years stubbornly resisting her advice, after graduating college, I finally realized—she was right about every single thing.

So, here are five pieces of advice my mom shared with me—from friendship to fashion— that I believe every woman should know:

  1. “Head Up, Shoulders Back!”

According to my mom, nothing speaks louder than your body language. Whether you’re stepping into a meeting, classroom, or party, how you enter a room, exist in it, and leave it says a lot about who you are – inside and out. Even if you’re uncomfortable or nervous, standing tall with your chin up and shoulders back can make all the difference – take it from a former shy girl! The bottom line is how you show up on the outside shifts how you feel on the inside, so give it a try!

  1. The Power of Ambiance 

If there’s one thing my mom has mastered, it’s ambiance. She’s the queen of dinner parties, and her guests always leave feeling like they’ve attended something special. The secret? It’s all in the details. The lights are always dimmed, gentle music hums in the background, and an assortment of candles flicker throughout the room. Whether it’s a simple family dinner or a special occasion, she knows how to set the tone. This can also apply to your study spaces – keeping a cozy setting with candles, a cup of tea, and maybe even a face mask can significantly improve your productivity! My mom’s philosophy is that how a space feels can change the experience – and she’s absolutely right.

  1. Finding Your Personal Style 

“Your outfit is your introduction,” my mom would always say. I love my comfy sweatpants and athleisure as much as the next girl, but whenever I leave the house looking a bit too casual, I hear my mom’s voice in my head saying, “You never know who you’ll meet today, so dress like you’re about to meet your role model.” Your style is an extension of you. It doesn’t have to be flashy or expensive, but it should reflect who you are. While we all have those lazy days, finding and embracing your personal style allows you to present the best version of yourself, even on off days. 

  1. Nurture Your Friendships – You Need Them.

My mom makes time for her friends (new and old) several times a week, no matter how busy she is. Her friends – a group of powerful women – have had her back through thick and thin. She’s the perfect example of how meaningful friendships are your lifeline through every stage of life. Friendships provide love, support, and laughter during life’s ups and downs. Especially if you’re an international student like me, making time for your friends, investing in those relationships, and leaning on them when you need is the easiest way to find joy in your everyday life at university. 

  1. Follow your heart. The Money Will Come Later.

As a creative individual, my mom always encourages me to follow what I love. For her, it was fashion; for me, it was writing. Her advice has always been to follow your passions because true happiness comes from doing what you love. According to her, success follows when you put your heart into something, and the money will eventually come. I’ve taken this to heart as I’ve pursued my own creative path, and it’s made all the difference.  

I hope these bits of advice from my mom resonate with you as much as they have for me. Most importantly, I hope they serve as a heartwarming reminder to call your mom today and thank her for her advice, chances are, she was right!

Siena Palese

St. Andrews '25

Siena Palese is a management postgrad from Boston, Massachusetts. She studied English and Creative Writing at the University of Iowa as an undergrad and spent a year studying English Literature at the University of Oxford. Siena enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling, working out, and doing all things creative!