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4 Ways a Brown University Student Stays Motivated for Midterms *cold weather edition*

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

Midterm season is upon us, and it feels like it gets worse every fall semester. When the weather gets chillier, workloads increase, and all you want to do is be cozy, here are some of the best tips I have learned stay motivated during what can seem like a never-ending grind:

1. Have A Great Playlist

Having an inspirational playlist is essential to staying motivated during long study hours. One of my playlists that keeps me going is “‘The Man: lock in energy.” I have equipped it with songs like “The Man” by Taylor Swift (of course), “7 Rings” by Ariana Grande, “Maneater” by Nelly Furtado, and “360” by Charli XCX. Although listening to sad music during a late-night study session may seem like the perfect cherry on top of a depressing night, I believe it is critical to keep the music upbeat.

2. Find A Study Group

I totally understand that solo studying is preferred by many, however, I believe that being in a study group helps keep everyone motivated. Not only will everyone hold each other accountable, but if you are all studying for the same midterm, it can make the studying process speedier and more productive! If study groups aren’t for you, here are a few more tips you might find suit you better.

3. Take A Break (or Breaks)!

My favorite way to switch up monotonous studying is by taking a long walk. Researchers have found that taking a break during long study sessions increases your energy and ability to focus. I love to walk around campus or even stray a little further to a local cafe, of course wearing warm attire. But, do not take any study material with you on the walk! This is a brain break and should be treated like one. Feel free to call a friend, or listen to a podcast or music, but it is very important not to spend any brain space on midterm prep. Going on a walk can help you stay motivated and recharge to make your studying more productive, and enjoyable. 

4. Reward Yourself

Setting small goals and rewarding myself after completing them has always helped me stay motivated when studying. This can look like a quick coffee break, an episode of your favorite show, or grabbing a quick sweet treat. Celebrating progress, even in small ways like this, helps keep you incentivized to keep studying. One of my favorite methods is to get a bag of M&M’s and eat two or three after each problem I’ve completed or a small paragraph I’ve written. Having a reward system in place is something that can keep you motivated during long library hours.


Although all four of these ideas may not apply to your studying style, I hope at least one can help you stay productive during exam season. Good luck and stay motivated!

Sevilla Montoya is a member of the class of 2027 at Brown University double majoring in International and Public Affairs and Business Economics. She is from Denver, Colorado, and loves being outdoors hiking, biking, or skiing! Sevilla is a member of the Brown Women's Collective and enjoys spending time with family, friends, and her dogs. Sevilla is also always trying new things and new restaurants wherever she goes!