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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Looking to plan your next Spring Break trip or mid-quarter getaway? I got you! Having decided to spontaneously ditch the first week of my senior year to travel to the Amalfi Coast for my older sister’s wedding, I can authentically say that it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made (but maybe not for my grade point average). Regardless, the Amalfi Coast is one of the most beautiful and underrated travel locations, especially for young women looking to find beautiful sights, delicious food, and activities galore. So, if Amalfi is up next on your travel list, follow these tips!

It’s all about timing

Timing is everything, and while summer is prime travel season, it also means massive crowds, much more traffic, and way higher prices. My older sister chose to place her wedding in early October for fewer tourists, milder weather, and way more affordable travel accommodations. While you’re there, I can guarantee that even fall feels like summer in Amalfi, especially when overlooking the coast and snapping Insta-worthy pictures from your lounge chair.

a stay-cation

While the majority of the wedding party stayed at the Borgo Santandrea, literally one of the most gorgeous, clean, and friendly hotel locations I’ve ever stayed at, the other half of the wedding party vouched for more budget-friendly options so they could keep traveling afterwards. Not only are hostels and Airbnbs cheap, but sometimes they can be even better than a hotel. One guest detailed her stay at an Airbnb in Sorrento, which had its own private lagoon in the backyard as well as an extremely friendly host who offered to drive them to Amalfi personally. With nearby towns like Salerno or Positano that are absolute hidden gems, don’t be afraid to get to know the locals!

getting around

Unless you’ve got a Vespa license (hello, dream), you’ll mostly rely on buses, ferries and/or rented transportation to get from town to town. The local buses are cheap, scenic, and sometimes even have hilarious tour guides, but they can also be packed. So, if you want to splurge on one thing, let it be a ferry ride. Getting to see the towns and homes perched on the edges of breathtaking cliffs are worth every euro.

must-see spots

Yes, strolling the narrow cobblestone streets of Amalfi was absolutely gorgeous, especially when getting to see the ornate Cathedral during Friday night mass. But, you just cannot miss out on Positano! The postcard-perfect town of Positano, with cliffs studded by iconic pastel houses, is just as glamorous as Instagram makes it seem (so prepare for photo ops galore!). Positano also has plenty of amazing restaurant options and shopping opportunities, especially if you’re looking to bring home an outfit to match your relaxed euro vibe.

food spotlight

Let’s be real, when you go to Italy, you’re there for the food. And trust me, the Amalfi Coast will not disappoint. Stick to local spots and avoid restaurants with menus in multiple languages—you’ll find better prices and authentic dishes if you stick to areas less populated by tourists. Some key things you should look for in Amalfi: citrus, seafood, and of course, pizza and pasta. Considering that the Amalfi coast is known for their citrus, you’ve gotta try limoncello, which is a tangy lemon liqueur usually served chilled. But be wary, it’s strong, so sip slowly. And of course, you’ve gotta take advantage of the seafood when you’re on the coast. Grilled octopus, seafood risotto, and fried calamari were some of my absolute favorites. For my non-seafood lovers, you always have good ol’ reliable pizza and pasta to fall back on.

euro wardrobe

Depending on the weather, you’re going to want to pack light, breathable clothes for the heat, but make sure to pack a more formal outfit for an occasional night out to dinner and an evening stroll. My sister and I bought handmade linen sundresses from CB Positano that were absolutely perfect for the occasion. Other shops in Positano also sell handmade leather sandals and colorful ceramics if you need something to bring back for your roommates. And under no circumstances whatsoever, do not forget your bathing suit! The beaches are absolutely breathtaking and going for a dip with friends (or solo) will for sure stay with you as a core memory.

That’s about all I have! Oh, and one more thing. Make sure to always, always be aware of your surroundings whenever traveling anywhere, especially if you’re solo traveling as a young woman. The people on the Amalfi Coast were extremely welcoming, but it’s always good to ensure your safety at all times. Now that you know all the tips and tricks of the Amalfi Coast, grab your sunglasses, email your professors and get ready for the ultimate Italian adventure! Ciao, bella!

Autumn Morgan is a third-year Film & Television major at UCLA who grew up in the San Fernando Valley. She thoroughly enjoys being overdressed and reading women’s divorce fiction. In her free time, you can find her laying by a river eating fruit.