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The Vibes Of The Best Study Spots On Grounds

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Have you ever had so much homework that you don’t even know where to begin? Recently, I feel like the amount of work I have has doubled and I could not seem to find a good place on grounds to get it all done. However, when talking about this issue with friends, we landed on the idea that each location has differing vibes, so of course you can’t do every assignment in the same place. We needed change to challenge our brains to push through midterms. So, I figured what better way to give you all my favorite study spots on the grounds than by ranking them based on their overall vibe. As a guideline, the vibes will be based on the most cinematic college-like feeling, but I will talk about the productivity of each location within its explanations. Okay, it’s time to break them down! 

Balz Philosophy Library 

This little library is located inside Cocke Hall and has got to be the most beautiful place to study on the grounds. The vibes of the room are so college-like and there is a sense of dedication and focus that is unmatched. The space is a fully quiet room with few tables and sofas. There is definitely limited seating, but if you manage to get a spot it is absolutely amazing. I have written multiple essays here, and I feel like all the books on the bookshelves across the wall really help inspire me to write. I would recommend blasting your favorite music playlist and facing the big window that overlooks the amazing amphitheater. It really feels like you are at the center of UVA when trying to get all your work done. I think this is definitely a good location to fully lock in, especially if you are looking to do work alone. 

Monroe Courtyard

As a second-year, I hate to admit that I just found the Monroe Courtyard and I have absolutely fallen in love with it. It is just so nice and secluded because it is at the center of the building. It is an outdoor area, so it works really well with good weather. I see myself utilizing this space a lot when the temperature permits and fall in love with the vibes every time. I think this space is really nice for doing basic work and enjoying being outside. The vibes on the perfect day doing work here are completely unmatched. 

Shannon Library 

A classic choice of where to study is for sure Shannon Library. Especially with its renovations, Shannon has become the replication of what one thinks when one pictures a college library. It is also extremely diverse, ranging from study rooms to the Harry Potter room, ensuring that there is a space for everyone to study. The only thing that ruins the vibe sometimes is the fact that it is SO busy. Sometimes I will go at the most random times, and still, I can’t find anywhere to sit. If you can find a nice spot, depending on your mood, it is a really awesome college library that is perfect for locking in. 

Student Activity Center  

The SAC, Student Activity Center, has been there for me throughout my entire undergraduate journey. This center is located on the first floor of Newcomb and has been one of my favorite places to study in between classes. There are two high tables, a large meeting table, couches, and other cool seating. This place is awesome for group studying and is rarely as full as you would expect it to be. It is nothing special design-wise, but it is just a good overall place to get work done. The vibe is definitely conversational in there, but nothing too loud that a pair of headphones can’t solve. The vibe is extremely relaxed and perfect for trying to escape stress.  

Clark/Brown Library

This library has always interested me because there are different sections that express the type of volume you can use, even though I would describe it as a silent library to those who ask. I think the vibes there are very determined and productive. I have sat at the long tables a handful of times, but the real star of the show is the stacks. They have these secluded desks that have their proper light and chairs, designed to basically resemble cubicles. Every time I feel like I need to finish my work efficiently I go to these desks. In a weird way, I always dread them, but they really do make me the most efficient. 

Law School Library 

This library is really awesome because it feels more professional, which really helps me be productive. Most of the time, the library is open to all students, so a simple trip on the Gold Line will take you right there. However, it is sometimes reserved for Law Students so keep an eye out for those dates. To be honest, this is a high-stress setting, as many kids are there for hours and are clearly stressed, but that may be the inspiration you need to keep going. 

Clemons Library  

Clem, Clem, Clem… where do we even begin. I love the variety available at Clem from floor 2, one of the most social places to study, and the Tinker Tank on floor 3. The booths in this library are some of my favorite places to do homework and study with friends. I think the vibe of Clem is a classic one, but finding seats is sometimes a struggle.

Music Library 

This library is in Old Cabell Hall and is criminally underrated. It has the same vibes as the bottom floor of Clark. It really is a hidden gem for those who enjoy studying in a quiet space. I think that its location, right by The Lawn, also makes it a really good place to study. Every time I am there I get a weird feeling of seclusion and I just feel the power to complete all my assignments.

Newcomb Courtyard

This place is so cute and is located on the outside of the second floor of Newcomb, even though there are tables outside the third floor as well. These tables are awesome for getting in a study session in between classes, especially if the weather permits. I love going here with friends because honestly the sunlight and the fresh air really help me during stressful times. I love being able to connect with nature when doing work whenever I can, so courtyards really are perfect for some assignments. 

New Cabell Hall 

On each floor of New Cabell, there are these rooms with desks, chairs, tables, and blackboards. These rooms are typically silent and are really good for in-between-class work. I used to do a lot of work here after my night discussions, which was surprisingly good for my productivity. There is no doubt that this space is good for efficiency, but the vibe is simple. There is one purpose of being there and that is doing my work. 

Nau/Gibson Hall

Nau/Gibson is definitely an area of the grounds that is really fun to do work in. There is a Grit located at the bottom which means every single time I do work there I must grab a coffee. I think that this space is one that I particularly use if I have a class there or if I am in between classes, but I do like its more laid-back nature. I also love all the windows in the buildings because the light is so important to me when it comes to being productive. 

You really can’t go wrong with studying anywhere on the grounds, as every person feels most productive in different locations. I also think that every day my preferences change, which is totally normal too. Overall, I feel so lucky to know these locations and I am also excited that I am still learning of new studying spots on the grounds. I hope this guide aids you in picking a place that will help you do well in all your classes!

Lara Martin is a second year on the writing and social media team at the Her Campus at University of Virginia. Beyond Her Campus, Lara Martin is a pre-law student in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is from Warren, New Jersey. She loves giving back to the community and has searched for ways to do so here in Charlottesville. Lara absolutely adores being a Cavalier! In her free time, Lara enjoys spending time with her family in friends. She also is a movie and tv show aficionado and has a soft spot for romance novels. She loves her dog Cider and can tell you the name of any Taylor Swift song within the first five seconds.