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Culture > Entertainment

Best Conspiracies of All Time

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

As Halloween rolls around, conspiracy theories become increasingly prominent throughout October. I love listening to all the theories and opinions of people, places, things, and groups. So, this article is about the six most popular conspiracy theories of all time. 

The Illuminati is said to be a secret group made up of celebrities, politicians, and other big names that supposedly control the world. While the Illuminati did exist, most of the wild stories about it aren’t true. It was initially founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt to shed light on political satire and raise awareness about government corruption. But in the 1960s, rumors started swirling that this secret group was secretly telling governments worldwide how to run their countries.

“The Machine” is a secret society at the University of Alabama. It was founded 100 years ago in 1914. This group has controlled everything within the University, from the homecoming queen to the student government senator. 

The Mandela effect Is a phenomenon where a large group of people remember a detail happening a certain way when it happened a different way. Examples: Berenstain Bears. People remember it as the Berenstein Bears, but it is the Berenstain Bears. Another one is the Fruit of the Loom logo. Most people remember it having a cornucopia in it, but it does not. 

There are multiple theories involving predictive programming. The most prominent is the show “The Simpsons.” The show predicted Donald Trump’s presidency in Season 11, Episode 17, which aired in 2000. Crazy, right? There are multiple other incidents just like this one within the show. But “The Simpsons” isn’t the only program that has predicted things. Shows like “Watchmen,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Star Trek,” and “30 Rock” have predicted the future. 

There is a theory that we are in a simulated universe. That we are a computer simulation created by an advanced civilization. Similar to “The Matrix” and “The Truman Show.” There have been a few famous people who have thought this theory was true. Nick Bostrom, a Swedish Oxford professor and the director of the Future of Humanity Institute; Neil deGrasse Tyson, a world-renowned scientist; and Rene Descartes, a renowned philosopher. These people and many more think we are just part of an experiment. We are animals in a zoo. We just haven’t figured out who the people controlling us are.

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Paramount Pictures

The most known and widespread conspiracy theory is The New World Order. The New World Order conspiracy theory is a theory that there is an elite group of people who control the world. These people are believed to have the most political and economic power within a totalitarian one-world government. You may be thinking I am talking about the Illuminati again. But this is entirely different. Conspiracies about the Illuminati go back to the 18th century, and they were an honest group of people. The New World Order, on the other hand, is the theory of shadowy elites working to control all of the governments in the world.

All in all, conspiracy theories have been around for decades. Some people believe them; some people don’t. You can make your own decision.

Hi! My name is Caroline, and I am a junior studying Sport Management at Mizzou! I am from STL! I am part of a Mizzou choir and am always at a Mizzou game. I have a three year old pup named Ivy!