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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Breakups yield all sorts of emotions. Whether it’s anger, resentment, relief or grief, here are my top 10 songs to get through a breakup.

“If You See Her, Say Hello” by Bob Dylan

  • “I know every scene by heart/They all went by so fast”

In “If You See Her, Say Hello,” Bob Dylan tells the listener his feelings for a lost love while giving devastating details about how their relationship ended. The song is about longing, poor timing and letting go, and the devastating lyrics explain why Dylan was the first musician to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. If you are going through a long-distance breakup, this is THE song to cry to.

“Supercut” by Lorde

  • “Because ours are the moments I play in the dark”

“Supercut” is about looking back on a relationship and replaying the highlights in your mind, eventually realizing that the “highlights reel” is not a true representation of the relationship. This song is for the people who know the breakup was for the best, but cannot stop reminiscing on the highs. It is also the type of song that will make you want to dance and cry at the same time.

“Coffee” by Chappell Roan

  • “It’s better we leave it and give it some time”

In this song, Chappell Roan is planning to meet up with an ex-lover, but ultimately decides against it because every place holds memories and because she doesn’t want to be dragged in again. Want to jump to the stage where there are no hard or lingering feelings, but can’t seem to get there? This song is for you.

“I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Bonnie Raitt

  • “You can’t make your heart feel something it won’t”

This song is pure sadness and is about the final moments of a relationship, where one person has lost feelings, while the other is still in love. This song is perfect for those who were blindsided in a relationship or simply still in love with an ex. This song has been covered by many, like Bon Iver and Adele, offering a change of pace if listening to the original becomes too repetitive.

“Tymps (Sick in the Head)” by Fiona Apple

  • “Why did I kiss him so hard late last / Friday night? / And keep on letting him change all my / plans?”

“Tymps (Sick in the Head)” is about looking back on a toxic relationship and wondering how you stayed. Are you “sick in the head” or did you “really used to love [them]?” This song is perfect for anyone trying to navigate the battle between their brain and their heart after the end of a harmful relationship.

“The 1” by Taylor Swift

  • “If one thing had been different / Would everything be different?”

This song is about looking back on a relationship, accepting that it’s over but wondering what could have been. This song is for the people who want to say they’ve moved on, but can’t quite stop the “what if?” thoughts. 

“Just Another Girl” by The Killer

  • “All of my friends say / I should move on”

“Just Another Girl” is about being hung up on someone when all rationality says you should have moved on by now. It’s about fighting feelings with logic and wishing for that one ex you can’t seem to get over. Like “Supercut,” this song is upbeat, hopefully softening the blow of the difficult breakup.

“I Just Don’t Think I’ll Ever Get Over You” by Colin Hay

  • “I still find pieces of your presence here”

Unlike most of the songs on this list, this song is about not being able to move on. My roommate showed me this song one night, and it resulted in both of us just sitting there, listening and crying; be warned. It is a devastatingly honest message to an old lover admitting that you just don’t think you’ll ever get over them.

Whether you’re going through a recent breakup or mourning a relationship from long ago, or maybe you never even dated but are still grieving a connection with a person, it will get easier. But until then, let yourself feel your feelings and listen to these songs!

Hi, I'm Camila! I am a first-year and Mathematics major at UF.