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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Taylor Swift is known for her catchy melodies, grand performances, wide fan base, and, most notably, her impactful lyrics. Whether it’s a recent heartbreak, betrayal, or loss of a loved one, Swift knows how to encapsulate authentic human emotions. Some of my personal favorites include “And You Call Me Up Again Just to Break Me Like a Promise”, where she expresses heartbreak, or “Got a Long List of Ex-lovers They’ll Tell You I’m Insane”  where Swift pokes fun at her Ex-boyfriends…  Nonetheless, it is no secret that Swift knows a thing or two about creating memorable lyrics. Still, one of her simpler lyrics deeply resonates with me.

“How can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22?”

The lyric comes from Swift’s song “Nothing New” in her album, Red, (Taylor’s Version), released in 2021. Throughout the song, the lyrics express Swift’s experiences of growing up and lingering uncertainty in her life, all as time passes by her. Although these are relatable feelings in many people’s lives, including my own, I found that “How can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22” encapsulates my current thoughts towards life. 

My Relationship With The Unknown

When I first moved into college, I was an ecstatic 18-year-old; I was completely ready to immerse myself in a new atmosphere, meet new people, and begin working on my academics. Nothing seemed to stand in my way, and I felt sure of myself, despite entering a new chapter in my life. Now as a 20-year-old Junior, who is older and hypothetically wiser, I somehow feel more unsure of myself than ever before. On paper, I seem to have it all: great grades, supportive family, and healthy relationships, yet I am in a constant cycle of uncertainty.

My mind always goes to the thought; ‘What if the years of work I put into my academics, lead me nowhere?’ For me, being a student for 13, going on 14, years has been a part of my identity, but, once I graduate I can’t help but wonder who I will be post-graduation. Will all of that hard work pay off? Will I be able to succeed in life? Will I have financial stability?

Similar to what I believe Swift expresses in these lyrics… with age, comes changes, and with those changes come the unknown.

At 18, I felt like I had a grip on what was to come, even though there was a lot to be uncertain of. Now, like my 18-year-old self, I want to welcome uncertainty and discard the idea that age equates to knowing.

My Takeaways

To me, lyrics are no different than jotting ideas down in a journal, just more poetic and put together. That is why these lyrics resonate with me. They feel like jotted-down thoughts, which capture a realistic reality that I and many others experience. Uncertainty. 

A song like “Nothing New” makes me realize that although I may not know exactly what I’m doing in life, that’s a part of the human experience. And who knows, I could end up looking back at this moment of my life, as a 20-year-old and think that I had it all together compared to my 28-year-old self. You just never know, and I’m growing to be okay with that.

Lena Zadroga

West Chester '26

Hey, my name is Lena Zadroga. I'm a Junior at West Chester, and currently studying English, with a minor with professional and technical writing. I've always had a love for reading and writing, which is why I wanted to join the incredible HER campus writing team. A little fun fact about me is that I have an complete obsession with sharks!