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Law of Assumption: A Way to Manifest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

The Law of Assumption is a powerful manifestation technique, rooted in the belief that whatever you assume to be true will become your reality. Popularized by spiritual teacher Neville Goddard, the principle focuses on adopting the mindset that your desires are already fulfilled. By assuming the feeling and mental state of having what you want, you shift your reality to match that assumption. Many people have used the Law of Assumption to transform their lives, manifesting everything from wealth to relationships. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into how the Law of Assumption works and explore several techniques—like scripting, the list method, and affirming—that you can use to manifest your desires.

How the Law of Assumption Works

At its core, the Law of Assumption revolves around the concept that your reality is a reflection of your beliefs and assumptions. If you assume that you’re successful, loved, and abundant, your outer world will shift to align with those beliefs. In contrast, if you assume struggle, lack, or limitation, you’ll experience those conditions.

Methods and tips

Scripting: Writing Your Dream Life into Existence

Scripting is one of the most popular ways to apply the Law of Assumption. It involves writing detailed, vivid descriptions of your ideal life as though everything you want has already come to pass. The key is to write in the present tense, feeling as if you’re living your desired reality right now.

How to Use Scripting:

  • Grab a journal, notebook or even your notes app.
  • Write a story about your life in the present tense, describing every detail of your dream life as if it’s already happening.
  • Focus on how you feel now that you’ve achieved your desires.
  • Be as specific as possible—what does your day look like? How do you interact with people? How does your environment feel?

By immersing yourself in this story, you start to assume the identity of someone who has already achieved the desired outcome, aligning your reality with that assumption. This also goes hand in hand with the list method. The List Method involves making a list of everything you want to manifest, as if you’re placing an order with the universe. This technique helps you clarify your desires and assume that they’re already on their way to you.You simply make a list of what you want and start affirming that you have them.

Visualize the Desired Reality

Visualization is a powerful tool to create vivid mental images of your desired outcome. When you visualize, you’re not just seeing the outcome; you’re also experiencing the feelings associated with it. According to the Law of Assumption, the key to successful visualization is to feel the emotions as though the event has already happened.

How to use visualization:

  • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Close your eyes and imagine your life exactly how you want it to be. Picture yourself achieving your goal, whether it’s a new job, a dream home, a relationship, or any other desire.
  • Focus on how you feel now that it’s yours. Feel the excitement, joy, or relief of having already achieved what you want.
  • Stay in that feeling for several minutes, as long as it feels natural. Do this consistently to reinforce the assumption in your subconscious mind.

Affirmations to Reinforce Assumptions

Affirmations are positive statements that help shift your mindset and replace limiting beliefs. When using the Law of Assumption, affirmations are a way of reaffirming that your desires are already true.

How to use affirmations:

  • Write or speak affirmations in the present tense, as if your desire is already fulfilled. For example: “I am so grateful for my dream job,” or “I am in a loving and fulfilling relationship.”
  • Repeat these affirmations daily, preferably in the morning or before bed, when your subconscious mind is most receptive.
  • Focus on the feeling behind the words. Feel the truth of the statement as you say it.

Consistency with affirmations helps reprogram your subconscious mind to accept the assumption as reality. Some small tips you could use are making affirmation audios with voice notes. Remember, affirming is also simply just thinking so you could say your affirmations anytime you think about your desire(s).

Living in the End

“Living in the end” is one of the core teachings of the Law of Assumption. This means acting, thinking, and feeling as if your desired outcome is already true. Instead of waiting for the manifestation to appear, you mentally live as if it’s already part of your current reality.

How to live in the end:

  • Begin to think and behave as though you already have what you desire. For instance, if you’re manifesting financial abundance, you might adopt the mindset of someone who is financially secure, making choices and decisions that reflect that state.
  • Align your daily thoughts, emotions, and actions with the version of yourself who already has what you want. Over time, this practice becomes second nature, and your external reality will begin to reflect it.

Mental Diet: Controlling Your Thoughts

Your dominant thoughts influence your assumptions, so maintaining a mental diet—being mindful of your thoughts—is essential. If you constantly dwell on doubts or negative outcomes, those assumptions may become your reality. To manifest using the Law of Assumption, you need to train your mind to focus on thoughts that align with your desired outcomes.

How to practice a mental diet:

  • Notice your thoughts throughout the day. When negative or limiting beliefs arise, gently replace them with positive assumptions. For example, if you catch yourself thinking, “I’ll never get that promotion,” replace it with “I already have the promotion, and I am thriving in my role.”
  • Be consistent in choosing thoughts that support your desires, and eventually, those assumptions will feel natural to you.

The Law of Assumption is a powerful tool that allows you to manifest your desires by simply assuming that what you want is already true. Through visualization, affirmations, scripting, and other techniques, you can align your mindset with the reality you wish to create. The key is to immerse yourself in the feeling of your wish fulfilled, live as if it’s already yours, and allow your inner world to shape your external reality. Remember, manifesting with the Law of Assumption is all about consistency and belief. When you fully assume your desires to be true, the universe will respond accordingly, and your dreams will become your reality.

A’Naya McDonald Clark Atlanta University Fashion Merchandising major Class of ‘25