Every October is international Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The aim is to spread awareness about the disease while generating funding for research and treatment for people suffering from the disease.
The main initiative of breast cancer awareness month is for women worldwide to check their breasts. It aims to promote awareness that it can affect any women at any stage in her life. It also increases funding so that more research can be carried out to find a cure for breast cancer.
According to the World Health Organisation, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. They stated that it was also the most common cancer worldwide among women in 2022. Based on their research ninety-nine per cent of breast cancer cases worldwide are women.
Breast Cancer Ireland state there are over 3,700 women in Ireland diagnosed with breast cancer every year. However, it is important to remember it is not just a women’s health issue. In Ireland, one in 728 men will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime.
It is essential to know the signs of breast cancer and possible symptoms so you can seek medical help as soon as possible. The earlier signs are caught the more likely treatment will be successful. Therefore, it is vital that everyone, especially women carry out regular checks at home and know the signs.
The Irish Cancer Society made a list of the different signs and symptoms that can be an indication for breast cancer to help people identify the signs at home.
1. If there is a lump of any size or a thickening in your breast or armpit.
2. A change in size or shape can mean one breast has become larger.
3. A change in the skin of your breast like dimpling or puckering.
4. A breast abscess which may appear red and tender.
5. A change in your nipple which might have become sunken, pulled in or flattened.
6. An unusual discharge from your nipple like blood or water.
7. Your nipple might have begun to flake, or a rash might have appeared.
8. Swelling in your armpit or around your collarbone.
Breast cancer can affect women at any age. Even though the disease predominantly effects older women, it is important that young girls are aware of the risks too. Every young girl should know how to check themselves and do so just as regularly as it is suggested to older women. The Irish Cancer Society says that women should check their breasts monthly at home regardless of their age.
So, remember girls, check your boobs regularly!!!