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“Love Is Blind” USA Season Seven Altar Predictions: Part One

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Spoiler warning for Love is Blind USA Season Seven!

We all have that one TV show that’s our guilty pleasure and mine is none other than Netflix’s Love is Blind. Cringey, drama-filled, and occasionally romantic, there’s something about Love is Blind that makes it so hard to stop watching.

Love is Blind USA released the first few episodes of its seventh season earlier this October, with subsequent episodes airing every week. Now, with its finale airing this week on Oct. 23, I thought it would be fun to make some altar predictions before it’s revealed who said “I do” on their wedding day. 

For those of you who haven’t seen Love is Blind or need a refresher on how the whole show works, essentially people go on blind dates (literally) and get engaged without ever having laid eyes on the other person. Then, after getting engaged, the couples get to meet and go on a luxury vacation before heading back to their original cities to see if their lives are compatible. Sometimes love truly is blind and other times (more commonly) it’s not.

Season seven features six couples (seven if you include Britany and Leo (which we won’t)), following them from the pods to Mexico and finally back to Washington, D.C. So far, there have been 11 episodes released for season seven, showing us all the dirty details about the selected couples for the season. These couples are messy, toxic, sweet (only Taylor and Garrett), and without a doubt, dramatic. From best to worst, I’ve ranked my favourite couples this season and shared my predictions on whether or not these couples will say “I do” or “I don’t” on their wedding days.

Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans

This is literally the only couple that I actually liked this season. These two science nerds are perfect for each other and are one of those couples who have the potential to go down as one to remember in Love Is Blind history. Despite the hiccup with Garrett’s ex reaching out, I do truly think that he has severed ties with her and is entirely devoted to Taylor. I definitely think these two will say “I do” at the altar and if they don’t I will cry.

Marissa George and Ramses Prashad

Marissa and her rat-tail man are only so high on this list because every other couple is seriously troubled. Don’t get me wrong, these two are terrible for each other, but they pull ahead of gaslighter Tim and secret children-haver Tyler in terms of stability. That being said, I’m hoping Marissa comes to her senses and cuts ties with Ramses (and his hair) because this man is just as bad as the rest of them. Ramses’ temper tantrum over Marissa asking him to wear a condom was actually insane. Are you not grown? Like seriously, he’s complaining that sex isn’t “enjoyable” with a condom while Marissa is talking about the health concerns she has regarding taking birth control. His progressive act is just that: an act. Oh and don’t get me started on Marissa’s mom. I feel bad for whoever has to have her as a mother-in-law. All in all, I think these two started off being infatuated with each other, and now that they’re in the real world, their significant differences are starting to take their toll. I honestly thought these two would ignore the red flags and run straight to the altar, but after the ambiguous and ominous way episode 11 ended, I think these two might be headed towards a mutual “I do not” on their wedding day.

Hannah Jiles and Nick Dorka

Thank whatever god is out there for breaking these two up before the altar. Hannah and Nick are one of the most incompatible couples that has ever been featured on Love is Blind. Hannah is not a nice person, and Nick, despite his faults, doesn’t deserve to be completely disrespected on a regular basis by someone who claims to “love him.” I think Hannah and Nick are on two completely different paths in life which can seriously affect a relationship. Hannah is clearly hyper-independent and wants someone who can match her drive (which is fair), but the way she speaks to Nick borders on abusive. Nick told her about his slow start to adulthood in the pods, and Hannah still agreed to marry him. Hannah should have known better than to accept a marriage proposal from a 28-year-old frat boy who lives in his parent’s basement, barely has a job, doesn’t cook his own meals, and doesn’t clean his own space. So of course, I’m overjoyed that these two will not be headed to the altar!

Alex Byrd and Tim Godbee

Yet another disaster of a couple. When we first started getting to know this couple, I really liked them. I thought this pair had depth and good conversations. However, my opinion of them quickly changed after the first couple of nights in Mexico. Alex’s anger issues showed its ugly face and I truly felt bad for Tim, because the way Alex acted seemed to be completely unreasonable. But then cut to them being back in D.C. and now it’s Tim that I’ve got beef with. The way Tim spoke to Alex after discussing her meeting with his parents was jaw-dropping. Like damn, I’m surprised Alex didn’t start swinging (I would’ve). These two are definitely not meant to be together, and their break up before the altar is further proof.

Ashley Adionser and Tyler Francis

I almost put these two last because of how much I dislike Tyler. But Ashley saved them from the lowest slot by being an absolute gem. Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I’m so disappointed in you. Secret children Tyler? Really? This is a Love is Blind USA first everyone! Instead of telling Ashley in the pods before he proposed, Tyler’s decision to hold off on telling her that he has THREE kids and wait until she’s fully committed to him is just plain manipulative and sociopathic. Tyler said these three kids were just “sperm babies,” claiming to have been helping a friend in a queer relationship to have children. He even told Ashley that he had never met the kids and that they “don’t know what his face looks like.” Cut to his baby mama coming out online to expose him, posting multiple pictures of Tyler snuggled up with them. Liar liar pants on fire! But what might be worse than Tyler hiding his whole family of four, is the fact that Ashley took him back. Her trust in him was just shattered and yet she believed everything he said to her about his lack of involvement. Unfortunately, it looks like these two are headed to the altar. I’m hoping Ashley comes to her senses and says “I don’t” but I have a bad feeling these two will both be saying “I do.”

Monica Davis and Stephen Richardson

Last and certainly least, Monica and cheater Stephen. I didn’t like these two from the start. They immediately seemed so ill-matched and had nothing in common. I could tell Monica was just not into Stephen and who could blame her with him acting like a horny creep the whole time he was around her. These two were back in D.C. for literally one day before Stephen decided to send kinky, explicit messages to another girl when Monica didn’t want to sleep with him on night one. Talk about gross. But to be fair to Stephen, he literally told Monica he was a cheater in the pods and she apologized to him. Girl, seriously?
All in all, this season’s couples have been chaotic, to say the least, and I can’t wait to see who decides to take the leap and say “I do” on their wedding day. Stay tuned for my recap and final thoughts on season seven of Netflix’s Love is Blind USA after the season’s reunion and finale on Oct. 30, 2024!

Cella Pop

U Vic '26

Cella is a third-year Classics and English student, and this is her second year as a writer for Her Campus UVic. Cella also holds the executive position of Senior Editor this year. She has a passion for anything involving the Ancient Greek world and is always eager to discuss the topic. Cella is working towards completing her undergraduate degree in Victoria before hopefully making the move to England for law school. When she's not studying, Cella loves to read and write creative fiction, listen to music, snuggle her cat, and go thrifting.