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Beli Is My New App Obsession — Here’s Why  

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Do you like trying new restaurants and bars? Enjoy exploring in your city? Looking to take your friends out to eat at the trendiest and most delicious places?  

If you haven’t heard of the app already, I’m here to introduce you to Beli. Simply put, Beli is an app where you can track every restaurant, coffee shop, bar, or dessert spot you’ve ever been to. Beli was created and founded by a couple who built their relationship around trying new restaurants together in their city. They wanted to find the very best reviews and places but were struggling to find reliable feedback. 

Beli creates an organized list and a map of every location, making eating out exciting and incredibly easy to look back on and look forward to. You can bookmark any restaurant that you want to try in order to keep an eye on where you want to go next! 

If you’re anything like me, I can hardly even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday. Having an app that allows you to write out where you went and what you indulged in makes you appreciate every aspect of eating out. Since using the app, I’ve focused more on the atmosphere of restaurants, the service, the creativity of menus, and of course, how much I would recommend the spot to a friend. It definitely takes eating out to the next level with endless possibilities.  

If you love to travel, Beli is also a great way to remember the restaurants you’ve been to all around the world. And even if you are a homebody, there are billions of categories of restaurants you can scope out on the app that are right nearby. 

One of my favorite features of Beli is that you can rank, review, and upload photos of the food so you know what is a hit and what was a miss. It allows you to have a list starting from favorite to least favorite restaurant, comparing all spots you’ve eaten at. Not only this, but Beli is a fun and exciting way to connect with friends and see what restaurants they have been enjoying and where you can plan your next outing.  

One day last year, my friends Dayna and Mackenzie begged me to download this app. To say it has become my obsession would be an understatement, and I’ve found eating out to be even more exciting since using Beli, and have found restaurants I wouldn’t have known about without the app!  

Now what are you waiting for? Go download the app and rank your restaurants!  

Rachel is a Senior at UConn majoring in Communications with a minor in Human Development. She has been involved in Her Campus since freshman year, and served as Marketing and Merchandise Coordinator for UConn's Her Campus chapter last year! Rachel has a strong passion for writing about anything from music, to food, fashion, sports, or just relatable content. In the future, Rachel hopes to have a career in Digital Marketing, Public Relations, and/or Advertising In her free time, Rachel loves to spend time with friends, try new restaurants, and attend UConn basketball games!