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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

If you haven’t already heard of the “winter arc” on TikTok, get ready for it to change your life. It’s a complete physical and mental transformation that challenges you to become your best self by springtime. The winter arc is more structured than a “glow-up” but less strict than a 75-Hard, meaning you can make it personalized to you and your lifestyle!

In the fitness world, the winter months are commonly used for a bulking phase, where gym-goers work to build muscle by eating in a caloric surplus (eating more calories than you burn in a day). At the end of winter, they’ll start a cutting phase through a caloric deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn in a day) to show off their leaner, improved physique in summer.

But don’t let this intimidate you, the “winter arc” is for anyone who wants to undergo personal growth and establish healthier habits during these cold, dark months. Rather than waiting for Jan. 1 to reset and start working towards your goals, why not get ahead of the game? To help create your “winter arc” routine, here are some of my favorite ideas to help you reach your full potential.

Daily Movement

If there’s anything I’ve learned on the fitness side of TikTok, there are so many fun and accessible forms of exercise. If you have the budget, get a gym membership, take yoga or Pilates classes, or find a new sport to learn. If not, there are still tons of free YouTube videos with at-home workouts, or it can be as simple as walking in your neighborhood. There are so many options out there; the whole point is that any movement is better than no movement. It’s impossible not to find something you’ll enjoy. I recommend committing to one or more forms of physical activity daily.

stay hydrated

Drinking more water will solve 99% of your problems (not literally, but you will feel so much better). Your necessary daily water intake depends on several factors, like exercise, environment, and overall health. Mayo Clinic recommends about 2.7 liters (91 ounces) a day for women and 3.7 liters (120 ounces) a day for men. Investing in a large water bottle like a Stanley, Owala, Hydroflask, Yeti, or Simple Modern, and carrying it with you can make it easier to continuously drink water throughout the day.

prioritize healthy foods

Say goodbye to “girl dinner.” Aim for 80% of your week to include balanced, high-protein meals, but allow yourself to eat what you want (in moderation) for the other 20%. You don’t have to cut out your favorite foods completely to achieve your goals. Enjoying them in moderation helps curb cravings and increases the chances of forming healthy eating habits.

Be consistent

When planning your “winter arc,” set achievable goals and clearly define them. Breaking down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps like getting 10,000 steps, reading 10 pages, or completing one workout every day is much easier to accomplish. Celebrate the small victories and give yourself a little reward to keep your motivation up.

Pick up a Hobby or Skill

“Winter arc” isn’t just about physical wellness, it’s about strengthening your mental and emotional health, too. Pick a new hobby or skill to learn and keep at it throughout the winter. Learn a new language, start playing an instrument, or find a club to join. My “winter arc” hobby is crocheting to help improve my hand-eye coordination and give my eyes a break from screen time.

Allow time for relaxation

Your body won’t be able to recover if you don’t allow yourself time to rest periodically. Listen to your body and figure out the difference between just wanting to be lazy and knowing when your body needs more time to recover. Otherwise, you could experience burnout and set yourself back much more than if you had just taken one extra day to rest.

“Winter arc” is an opportunity to improve your overall health, wellness, and happiness. Her Campus offers several articles to help you plan your “winter arc,” like this one. By following these tips, you can make the most of this Winter season and come into Spring looking and feeling your best!

Kayla is pursuing a second degree in Writing & Rhetoric at the University of Central Florida, her first being in Studio Art with a minor in Entrepreneurship. She is a Staff Writer for HerCampus UCF who enjoys writing about lifestyle, fitness, and wellness. Kayla currently lives in beautiful Tampa, FL and she loves being active, reading, cooking, and spending long days at the beach.