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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

In a time when our lives—and our society in general—is the subject of strict structure and severe timelines, the prospect of living in the moment and taking time to truly enjoy the little things can seem unachievable.

It is so easy to get stuck in the past, especially if you find yourself getting caught up in negative or embarrassing memories and experiences. More than that, I find that it is so easy to become preoccupied with feelings of uncertainty about our futures, especially considering the fact that, as university students, we are in the middle of such a transformative period in our lives where we are faced with major decisions that will impact our futures.

It can feel as though everyone around you seems to have a plan for their life and you are the only one who faces doubt or indecision, when in fact, this is not always the case. Often, your peers and classmates face the exact same doubts as you, as this is a very common experience at this stage in our lives.

That being said, it is so important to learn how to embrace the concept of living in the moment. As cliché as it sounds, we exist in the present. That is, we think, feel, and experience in the present. Each thing that we learn; each skill we gain; and each person we meet, we do so by living in the present and through embracing the here and now.

Most importantly, through living in the moment, we can learn to be understanding of our thoughts and feelings, as well as simply becoming more mindful. It is important to understand the impact that embracing the moment can have in our lives, as it helps us gain a greater sense of peace, gratification, and contentment in our lives.

Taking the time to truly embrace living in the present helps us to hone mindfulness practices, which in turn allow us to: learn how to practice gratitude; let go of control; engage fully in our relationships, and consequently, build stronger connections with others; and create and appreciate meaningful moments.

Moreover, there is something so inherently beautiful about living in the moment and appreciating your surroundings. I find that learning to slow down, and simply exist in the moment is something that is so intrinsic in the human experience, yet often, so overlooked in the grand scheme of things, as the demands of our lives and society often overtake this experience in our list of priorities.

The main takeaway from this is that life is so beautiful, and while the demands from school, jobs, and society in general, often take up our time, it is so important to remember to slow down every now and then, and ensure that we take time to embrace the little things and live in the moment, as one day, our present will become the past, and we will regret having spent this time worrying over what is finished, or things that are out of our control, as such, we have to learn how to embrace the idea of living in the moment.

Olivia Del Gatto

Queen's U '26

Olivia is a third year Con-Ed student, studying History and English at Queens University. She loves reading, movies, and concerts.