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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

For the days that feel never-ending 

“Stress is a killer.” We have all heard this phrase or a variation of it multiple times in our lives, but what can we do about it and how do we manage our stress levels? This varies from person to person, but trying different activities can potentially help you narrow down a strategy that can help you relieve stress and relax. This article includes several activities that I have categorized to help you manage your stress. 

1. Cozy and Relaxing stress-relieving activities 

In my opinion, it is very important to have a warm drink while doing one of the activities in this category. This cozy beverage could be tea, hot chocolate, coffee or whatever gives you cozy and relaxing vibes. I think of this list as the winter and fall activities because I picture a fluffy blanket, a steaming cup of tea and a good book in hand when I think of cozy stress relief. The first on the list is to watch a movie or TV show, preferably something fun and light-hearted to keep your mind away from your troubles. I love watching classic and/or vintage movies, especially Audrey Hepburn movies, when I’m relaxing because they provide an entertaining hour or two of distraction. Make sure you are picking the right movies or shows, some are definitely less relaxing than others. Similarly, reading a book, whether it is through a digital device, a physical book or an audiobook, can also help you momentarily escape and de-stress. Last on the list, puzzles, board games, or cutesy games you can download on your phone or iPad. Personally I don’t like playing games because I get bored of them, but there are several examples that you can find online of fun games that are cozy and relaxing!

2.  Be Creative

Although you may think you are a bad artist, you can still have fun and relax while creating art as a way to de-stress. It is very important to remember that you don’t have to be good at something to have fun and enjoy doing it. For this category, I encourage you to try out anything that is artsy and creative. This can mean painting, doodling, coloring, but it doesn’t have to be limited to these options. If you are anything like me, you love painting your nails, which is a creative and stress-free activity. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or attempt complicated designs to have pretty nails. Just use your favorite nail polish, a clear top coat, and a nail file to shape your nails. I personally like to take my time when I do this, which is why I consider it a stress relief activity. Other options for creative stress relief are baking, cooking, knitting or making your own jewelry with jewelry-making kits! There are definitely more options out there, but this is a tiny list to give you ideas. Remember, these are supposed to be stress-free so don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourself to be good at any of these activities! 

3. Slow down and Reflect 

I think this category is useful when you want to express your feelings of stress, especially when it has accumulated over a period of time. I suggest combining many of these activities to help you reflect on what is stressing you out, and maybe find solutions to some of your problems. However, it is important to note that it is okay if you don’t find any solutions to your problems, as long as you feel a little less stressed afterwards. Journaling and meditation can help you process your emotions and give you an outlet to reflect on your anxieties. I know people always mention these two activities, but they really are helpful and worth a try. You can listen to music, nature sounds or white noise while completing these activities — whatever relaxes you. I recommend meditating then journaling or vice versa to reap the benefits of both activities. Additionally, you can light a candle or add essential oils to an oil diffuser as a form of aromatherapy while completing one of these activities. Finally, my last suggestion is to create playlists that reflect your mood. This may not work for everyone, but music can really help you process your emotions, especially if you are struggling and maybe don’t want to write about them. 

4. Spa night 

One of my favorite ways to de-stress when I have the time is to give myself a little spa night. This can be personalized and as extensive as you would like. My personal favorites are painting my nails, applying face masks and hair masks or hair oils. You can also light a candle or turn on an oil diffuser during this activity as well!. Depending on what I am doing and how I feel, I sometimes watch a show or read a book during my spa night too. I feel like this is a classic way to de-stress and it can be quite helpful. 

5. Exercise

Exercise can be a great way to de-stress and you don’t have to run a marathon to feel its effects. Something as simple as a nice walk by the lake (or whatever nice scenery is near you) can help you relax. You can also try yoga or pilates, which are very popular at the moment. Other options include taking a workout class, hiking, cycling, etc. Anything that gets you moving and maybe even outside to enjoy nature can help distract you a little bit. There are so many options to choose from so don’t feel pressured to do any of these activities, but definitely consider exercise as an option. 

6. Socialize

Sometimes all you need is to hang out with some friends to feel a little better after a long week. This is probably one of the most customizable options I have in this article. You can definitely mix this with one of the other categories and de-stress with your friends and/or family. Personally, I love a little informal spa night with my friends and it gives us the opportunity to catch up on eachothers lives. Additionally, if you have friends and family living in different cities or states, you can facetime them instead. Socializing is very important and having people to go to when you are not feeling well can be crucial to your mental health. 

All in all, it is important to give yourself time to relax and destress to maintain your health. Although it may seem time consuming and frustrating to wait for results, consistency will help you form good, healthy habits that will help improve your health in the long-run. Additionally, it is important to stay as far away from your phone and social media as possible. I know it can be tempting, but social media and internet usage can cause additional and unnecessary stress. Do yourself a favor and place your phone far away from you when you are trying to de-stress. Also, unless you are reflecting on your day, try not to think about anything that is stressing you out while completing a de-stress activity. Your problems will still be there when you are done, so give yourself some time and be patient. Remember, it is always okay to ask for help and seek professional advice if you are struggling with your stress levels. Never be afraid to ask for help!

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Anxhela Tata

Wisconsin '26

Hi! I'm Anxhela Tata. I am a Junior at UW-Madison and I am studying Biology. My hobbies include reading, cooking, listening to music, and writing! Thanks for reading my articles!