Throughout the semester, it’s easy to get out of your typical routine and into a different one. If you’re anything like me, then you have found yourself in a study and course routine instead of your normal routine. When I say “normal routine”, I mean the things that you would typically do every day such as working out, partaking in hobbies, journaling, cleaning up, planning your schedule, etc.
While studying and going to class is extremely important, so is maintaining your healthy and feel-good routine. For success in university, you need to have both of these routines. I know that there is not enough time in the day to complete everything that you would like to, but it is essential to make time to better yourself. It is unfair and unrealistic to expect yourself to study and study without experiencing burnout. You need to spend time doing the things you enjoy and not just for academic success.
With finals around the corner, it’s better to start getting into your good practices now. Personally, I’ve found that I do better on exams and assignments when I take care of myself as much as I take care of grades. If you want to do the same, then this article is for you.
One Habit at a Time
To get back into good practices, incorporate one healthy habit at a time. Perhaps start with the thing that you miss most. For me, I want to incorporate yoga and pilates back into my regular routine because it eases the stress and the tight muscles from studying.Â
If you want to incorporate something like journaling into your routine, then plan for it. Allocate time for this activity in your calendar.
Maintaining Healthy Practices
I’ve found it beneficial to make a daily to-do list. I’ll add the assignments I need to complete and any necessary maintenance studying. However, coursework doesn’t make up the entirety of my list. Rather, I include chores such as laundry and the things that I want to do for myself such as working out and reading.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys crossing off items on their list, then I think a daily to-do list would work wonders for you. Personally, I feel extremely accomplished when I cross items off my list. Furthermore, if you add some healthy habits to your list, then you’re going to “have” to complete them.
Trying Something New
While it might seem difficult to try a new hobby or practice during the semester, it’s going to be worthwhile to at least give it a shot. Undoubtedly, different hobbies have different time requirements and required materials/equipment. However, it’s always good to try something new. You might realize that you really like a hobby or that you really don’t. Either way, you went out of your comfort zone and learned something.
All in all, it is imperative that you allow time for yourself throughout the semester. Unfortunately, sometimes you can give all your effort and time to a course and still not be successful, which is a difficult thing to acknowledge. You need your healthy habits to make you feel better and motivate you to stay driven and focused.