It’s that time of the semester again when getting up for class feels harder than ever, and each day seems to blur into the next. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone. The routine is getting repetitive, and even our professors seem worn down, handing out assignments and asking for essays with a discreet fatigue.
The shift in the seasons makes these feelings even more tangible. All the leaves have fallen, and the temperatures are dipping below freezing in the early mornings. A murky mist fell over Kenyon’s campus this week and there are rumors of flurries approaching. Those jeans and light sweaters we once wore to class turned into layers, jackets, and scarves. The semester’s early energy is giving way to a campus-wide need to slow down and take a breath.
At this point, Thanksgiving break can’t come soon enough, and if you’re somehow still feeling energized and ready to tackle things in full force, I envy you. But for the rest of us, let’s just admit it — we’re ready for a break, a full week-off to step back from the routine. Kenyon seems to know exactly when we need this time most, so let’s take it as a sign to hang in there.
The final stretch before break is always a challenge, but it’s also our chance to give that last push. While you work to get assignments wrapped up, remember to make a little space for yourself too. Go for a walk, meet a friend for a meal, or hit the gym —t hese small breaks help keep our energy from slipping too low as we head toward the finish line.
And when the break finally arrives, let yourself enjoy it fully. It can be tempting to think about the work waiting for us when we return, but this is a time to focus on recharging. Put the studying on pause. Your work will get done eventually. It somehow always does. Give yourself some grace. If you are able to, try reconnecting with family and friends. Or, simply submit to getting the rest you’ve been craving. Sleep in, eat good food, or play with your pets. Think about what you want from this time off as you wait for your flight in the Columbus airport. But, don’t worry if all you really need is some peace and a chance to enjoy the things you’ve missed while deep in the grind.
Finals will come fast once we’re back; they’re always demanding. There’s a reason students call the weeks before winter vacation “hell week.” But the best thing you can do is take this break to truly unwind, not as a head start on studying. Make the most of the time we’re given to step away, knowing that the rest you get now will help you power through the last big push of this semester.
So here’s to the home stretch. Good luck getting through this last week before Thanksgiving. And remember, you’re far from alone. We’re all feeling it together — a campus-wide countdown to Thanksgiving break and the chance to finally exhale.