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7 Ways I Romanticize the Holiday Season While Enduring Finals Season at Brown

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

The holiday season is right around the corner, but many students at academically rigorous schools may not be feeling the joy as much. Between finals, packing, traveling, and formals, there is a lot to balance at the end of the semester! With a late Thanksgiving this year, there is only a week of classes before reading period and finals.

Here are some ways students can maximize the last month of the semester and romanticize this holiday season.

  1. Incorporate Little Sparks of Holiday Joy into your Daily Routine: Pick up a festive room spray, listen to holiday music, and wear your Christmas PJs! If you’re studying, grab a holiday-themed drink or snack – the Starbucks holiday drinks are a staple, and I’m looking forward to Trader Joe’s winter snack releases. 
  2. Switch up your Study Space: Instead of locking in at a library, find a cute cafe with a nice and warm ambiance. Near Campus, Dave’s Coffee, Coffee Exchange, and Sydney Cafe are great options to lock in.
  3. Plan Ahead: It’s definitely easier said than done but plan ahead, especially if you are traveling or going home for Thanksgiving break. Given that we only have a week of classes before reading period, finals may feel more chaotic and rushed than usual. If you have papers or projects due in early December, try to complete them as much as you can before Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving break should be spent with family and friends, not stressing over finals! It is also a great chance to relax and unwind before finals. 
  4. Take Advantage of Resources at Brown: I would look out for events hosted by different groups that celebrate the holidays or promote self-care at this time of year. For example, DUGs often host end-of-semester events, as well as different cultural and heritage groups. CCB hosts a Winter Festival every year as well! Meanwhile, as always, CAPS is a great resource for professional services.
  5. Celebrate with Friends: If going home is not an option for you this year, I definitely sympathize as someone who lives far from school. I would suggest going out for dinner with friends or hosting a Friendsgiving. Also, remind yourself that winter break is right around the corner and you will be home very soon! 
  6. Find Something Fun to Do in the Area: For students staying in Providence, I would definitely try to fit in a small day or overnight trip to Boston or New York. Holiday markets like Boston Snowport and Bryant Park Winter Village are already up to get in the holiday spirit! In Providence, definitely go ice skating, visit the Holiday Lights Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo, and stop by WaterFire for their Three Nights of Lights.
  7. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: It’s a stressful time for students, but it’s just as important to celebrate your holiday traditions and spend quality time with family and friends! It’s a great time of the year for reflection and to practice gratuity. The end of the semester is in sight!
Blossom is a junior at Brown University from Hong Kong studying Behavioral Decision Sciences. Beyond Her Campus, she is a part of Kappa Delta Sorority and Hong Kong Students Association. She enjoys going to coffee shops, traveling to new countries, going on walks, and hanging out with friends and her dog.