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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TX State chapter.

Okay – this is not how I thought we’d meet again. I was hopeful that we would have a very different conversation. One that was beautiful and historic, basking in the glory of the first female president. That’s not what we are experiencing. Instead, disappointment is what’s been washed over many people; gray feelings of dread that cloud any glimpse of hope that had been rooted in people since Donald Trump lost in 2020.

The reality is that many people are scared of what’s to come under Trump’s rule – and that’s not something that I can completely take away. I just want to remind you that feeling depleted and disappointed is normal and they are the exact emotions that I’m feeling, but no one should feel discouraged because our efforts still matter.

I know it is easier said than done and the big gaping wound of the Trump win is still very fresh and very, very raw, but to help you feel a little more hopeful about the state of our country, I want to share some recent wins here, just to reestablish some of the joy we deserve to feel.

1. Cindy Nava made history as the first DACA recipient to win a legislative seat in New Mexico.

Although it did not happen in Texas, it shows the importance of changing how diversity is portrayed in our government and politics. 

2. Aime Wichtendahl is the first openly transgender woman to be elected and serve as a state representative in Iowa.

Again, this is not something that’s taken place in our state, but it shows that trans women are making space in our politics. I think this is the representation we need at a time when trans lives are being debated constantly.

3. In Georgia, Rashaun Kemp is the first openly gay Black man elected to office. In Wisconsin, Amaad Rivera-Wagner is also the first openly gay Black man to be elected to office in his state.

Applause for the voters in Georgia and Wisconsin.

4. Seven out of ten states that had abortion rights on the ballot won and will continue to support women.

Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, and New York all voted in support of women’s rights and their bodily autonomy.

Although I recognize the ghastly emotions felt by a lot of voters in America because of Trump’s win, there are still positive things happening around the country. The severity and the feelings about the outcome of this election should not be ignored, but you deserve to hear some good news that may have the potential to make you smile a little bit, even if it’s only a half smile. The representation that has been needed in our government is continuously happening and it’s paving the way for many people to see the importance of reflecting the diversity in our country. Although Donald Trump won the election, the need for history, change, and representation won in other states.

We will not back down, and we need to remember that it’s increasingly important to show up to our local elections and keep making our voices heard. In Texas, a lot of people didn’t experience the outcome we hoped for, but we should try and stay encouraged to fight for the change in our state that reflects the shift that we deserve to see and experience.

I love you all – feel your feelings, make some tea, take a deep breath, meditate, smell the fresh air, take a long walk, bake the anxieties away, and remember that this situation is not permanent. Goodbye for now #ILoveYou.

Amanda McCoy

TX State '25

Amanda McCoy is currently a senior at Texas State University. She is a journalism major with a psychology minor. In her free time, she loves listening to music, indulging in pop culture, baking and going to coffee shops.