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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Why is it that every year around the holiday season we get absolutely addicted to Hallmark movies, even though most of the movies rotate through the same four plotlines? My mom is known in my family for watching Hallmark movies as early as Halloween day. Data shows that the Hallmark channel is the fourth watched channel on TV. But what makes us truly addicted to these movies? 

To start, the brain loves the predictable patterns of Hallmark movies; it finds it  comforting. By taking us through a world where everything feels familiar, it gives the opportunity to escape from outside stressors. Since the movies have the ending that you anticipated, like characters getting married or kissing, your brain responds with dopamine. There is also an oxytocin release associated with the feelings of warmth, connection, and love portrayed in these films.

About 64% of people living with mental health illnesses report that their condition worsens around the holiday season. Those with seasonal depression, for example, have worsening symptoms that begin in the fall and worsen into the winter. The use of narration, music, and visuals in the films create high intensity of positive emotions. Although watching Hallmark movies is not a replacement for mental health care and treatment, they can still be used to raise moods during periods of high stress.

Hallmark movies make us feel nostalgic and connected with one another. I can’t tell you how many times my family and I have casually turned on a Hallmark movie when  nothing interesting  was on TV, and were absolutely hooked 20 minutes later. Watching these movies helps develop family traditions that last for years. My grandma, mom, and I have an established routine of  discussing the latest Hallmark releases and our  thoughts on them. 

Although these movies can be cliche and sometimes cringy, they can also teach some valuable lessons or ideas that foster the positivity and warmth we crave. These themes can include embracing joy, authenticity, pursuing your passions, connecting with others, having fun, spreading cheer, showing empathy, and practicing self care and mindfulness, to name a few. When children watch Hallmark movies, it helps them visualize and learn these values and lessons as well! This is amazing content for them to absorb while young, as they can carry these lessons with them throughout their lives. 

Overall, Hallmark movies are like warm hugs comforting us on cold winter nights. They may be cheesy and seemingly all be the same, but there are numerous reasons we watch them over and over. They provide comforting feelings and nostalgia, which releases dopamine and oxytocin in our brains. They also connect us with our families and teach us valuable life lessons. With this, embrace it and enjoy all of your favorite Hallmark movies this winter!

Hey!! I am a Junior studying Psychology. Here at TCNJ, I am an Ambassador and the publicist of ONBT. I love reading, going on coffee/tea runs, and having a cozy night in.