As the temperature finally begins to drop and the leaves quickly change colors and fall, all I need is somber music to reflect the changing weather. Despite some people’s protests of listening to music that mirrors your mood, I find it incredibly cathartic.
1. “‘TIs the damn season” by taylor swift
I highly doubt I am guiding anyone to anything new by including a Taylor Swift song, but what is winter without evermore? This song not only captures not only the melancholy of winter and inevitable yearning that goes with it, but specifically the feeling tied to hometowns–it just makes it all the more poignant. This song is my all time favorite of Swift’s and a must listen for everyone.
2. “BOTH all the time” by faye webster
Faye Webster’s voice alone can invoke both melancholy and yearning, but her songs always pair it with lyrics that amplify those feelings. This song feels like the first few weeks of when the weather turns cold again, and the pessimistic, isolating thoughts begin to engulf you. It’s about sitting in that sadder place, albeit it’s slightly dramatic and mostly a symptom of the weather.
3. “Normal thing” by gracie abrams
The premise of this song is unlike any other I’m aware of. Most of the lyrics about being trapped in your head are so specific, yet incredibly relatable. It strikes the perfect balance of yearning for something that may already be gone and indulging in self-reflection and rumination.
4. “the things i do” by inhaler
This song leans more towards melancholy than yearning, but for me, it captures the essence of Radiohead’s Creep in a new way. It really hones in on the feeling of not knowing yourself and the frustration that comes with that. The production value also feels incredibly “winter” to me, adding to the overall atmosphere of the song.
5. “between the bars” by elliott smith
Anyone can listen to this song and not even pay attention to the lyrics, yet still feel the melancholy just from the guitar and Smith’s gentle singing. To me, this song has always been about yearning for a better self or a better life, but being unable to believe it will work out. It is that self-doubt that clouds this whole song and I think it fits perfectly with the withering, downcast nature of winter.
Despite my deep appreciation for slower music, no one should spend this whole winter season listening to it… (even though I very well might). Also enjoy holiday music and your favorite artists too. But if you’re like me and can keep a good hold of your emotions while listening to endless amounts of sad music, then I say: indulge. There’s something particularly beautiful about seeing the seasons change around you while having a personal soundtrack that reflects it so acutely.