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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

I love running on my college campus. I feel invigorated as my feet pound on the ground, and my heart beats with excitement in my chest. I find that after I run, I can concentrate on my tasks much better. Running can also be very beneficial for you too.     

College can cause stress that can impact sleep. Making sure your sleep isn’t suffering is crucial for acing your classes. When you run during the day, as long as it is not right before you go to bed, your body goes into a relaxed state that improves your sleep quality and helps to prevent insomnia. 

College is filled with important information to remember for your classes. Running increases the size the part of your brain that plays a big role in helping you to remember information. 

Getting sick in college sucks, especially when you can’t learn best feeling sluggish. Running can help you recover from a sickness if it is done for about 30 minutes. It can also help to prevent you from getting a cold.

Feeling overwhelmed in college is a frequent issue. Running helps you to feel good so you can focus better while in class and doing everyday tasks like homework, your job, or volunteering. 

What are some ways you can ensure that you fit running into your busy college schedule? One way you can do this is by making a schedule on your phone or in a notebook that details the times, locations, and days when you will run and if you will run alone, or with other people. 

Another great way to get yourself into the routine of running is to start running with a running club or with friends. 

What are some strategies to help you to run with efficiency and ease? One strategy is to hydrate before you start running and when you finish running. Furthermore, you should take breaks when you feel tired. You should also eat healthy food before you run.      

I hope you can use running to help you to strive in college and motivate you to get in your exercise. 

Rachael Weiser

West Chester '26

I am an English major and earning my Global Awareness Pathway Certificate at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. I am an observant, creative, intuitive, open-minded, and compassionate person. I have a passion for all types writing. In 2021, I won the Excellence in Creative Writing Award. In 2020, I won first place for the Mahatma Gandhi Essay Writing Award (Association of Indians South Jersey Chapter. In 2017, I won first place for The Siegelbaum Literary and Visual Arts Competition. I have also had several writing internships.