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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I’m not ready for the semester to be over. To be fair, I wasn’t ready for the semester to start. To be honest, I wasn’t even ready to start college last fall, but somehow, I’ve made it. Not to be depressing but I never thought I would make it this far. If you asked me during my freshman year of high school where I’d end up in five years, I would’ve never placed myself in a four-year college. 

Back then, I wasn’t ready. The thought of growing and evolving scared me. I was happy with the person I was at that moment, but somehow, I let myself become more. With a gentle push from my friends and family, I applied to six different colleges and decided to attend St. Bonaventure University. I wasn’t ready to move over two hours away from home, but I had to. 

That feeling never really changed. Each time I drive down the hilly roads back to campus after a break, I don’t feel ready. I doubt my ability to survive and thrive without the comfort of my childhood home and my little sister, but somehow, I always manage. If I laid in bed waiting to feel “ready” I would never leave. You don’t have to be ready for the next chapter of your life; you must simply just accept it.  

To put it briefly, this past semester just felt off. Something doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s because I’m living in a single dorm. Maybe it’s because some of my friendships from last year have drifted apart. Maybe it’s because I’m taking more difficult classes. No matter what it is, I’ve spent the past three months chasing a certain feeling. I can’t help but wish that things happened differently. 

I don’t want the semester to end because it didn’t go as I planned it. I wanted to go out every weekend and be a social butterfly. I desperately wanted to get straight As. I wanted to feel like it was worth it, but for some reason, I felt like I just wasted time. I find it difficult to accept that it’s over because I didn’t get the experience what I wanted. 

I’m sitting in my dorm room right now reflecting on how I’m not ready for the semester to end, knowing that in a month and a half I’ll be sitting in my bedroom at home thinking about how I’m not ready to go back. At the end of the day, I know that I’ll never be ready for whatever is coming next. All that matters is that I must accept all the good, the bad, and the ugly.  

Adria Hoadley is a second-year student at St. Bonaventure University from Union Springs, New York. She is excited to be a new member of the St. Bonaventure University Her Campus chapter and looks forward to the new experiences it will bring! Passionate about mental health, societal issues, and womanhood; she plans to express these ideas in her writing. As a psychology major, Adria enjoys learning new things and exploring ideas that may be foreign to her. After graduating with her undergraduate degree from SBU, she hopes to go on and get her master’s degree in school counseling, while also having her own therapy patients. Outside of academics, Adria participates in Silver Wolves, a program at St. Bonaventure that connects students to elderly residents in the local area, along with any other volunteer opportunities that may come up. In her free time, Adria enjoys spending time with friends, trying new restaurants, going on walks while listening to music, and online shopping. Since a young age, Adria has enjoyed reading. Adria loves sharing her voice and is excited to be able to do that through writing. She looks forward to joining the sisterhood of Her Campus and sharing her thoughts and ideas!