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Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer With Notebooks
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Life > Academics

Learning how to take critiques this finals season

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Finals season has just wrapped up; for some, this meant late-night study sessions for tests. Others, like me, don’t have many tests to take at all. Instead, our finals are in the form of a presentation.

I am an interior design major, so my final is a presentation of a project I have been working on for about two months prior. After I finish presenting, a panel of guests gives me 10-15 minutes of critiques. 

When I chose interior design as my major, critique season was my biggest fear. I never enjoyed public speaking in any capacity, and the thought of standing up to hear all the things I did wrong on my project sounded straight out of a nightmare. I envied my friends studying for exams because even if they did poorly, they wouldn’t have to hear about it while standing up in front of a group of their peers.

However, after finishing my first semester of my junior year, I no longer feel much anxiety before going up to present. There are a lot of things I’ve learned to get myself through critique season. So, here are some of my tips for anyone in a similar position this season.

One, make sure you have confidence in your project. There have been a few times I have gone up with a project I didn’t like myself. With that self-doubt, it is easier to let all of these comments feel much more personal. When confident about the project, you can hear the comments a little more rationally. 

Two, make sure you are still having fun. You chose to go into the major for a reason. Don’t let it feel too serious. Enjoy all of your hard work, and enjoy the chance for meaningful feedback from professionals in your field. Critique days are meant to be a celebration of all of your efforts over the semester. Get a sweet treat before you present, and imagine the day as a party celebrating your work!

Next, while taking criticism is important, not every comment is going to resonate with you. Listen to all the feedback and apply what you think is necessary. It is your project, after all. This is especially true when given comments without reasoning.

If a professor tells you they don’t like something without much explanation on the matter, that might be one of the comments you decide to ignore. In my last review, a professor commented that he just didn’t like the purple used in the project. Everybody has different tastes, after all. Remember, the chance to get critiqued is truly a privilege. It is a great opportunity for professionals in your future field to give feedback. 

Finally, remember that grades do not define you. Don’t let schoolwork overtake your entire life. While aiming for success is important, remember that one bad critique is not the end of the line. Critiques are meant for a chance to improve. Don’t let anything affect you too deeply, and look forward to how you can improve in the future. Enjoy critique season for what it is, a celebration of all the effort over the semester.

Kenna Daniels

Kent State '26

Kenna Daniels is a junior interior design major. Besides being in the editorial team for Her Campus, she is also a writer for Fusion Magazine and designer for A Magazine. In her free time, she loves to read, make spotify playlists, and post on Letterboxd.