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The Her Campus National Editors write about products we love and think you’ll love too. Her Campus has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. All products are in stock and all prices are accurate as of publication.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Tis the season for trying to get your boyfriend a gift he’ll actually use. Trust me, we all have been the giftcard person before and it’s completely understandable. With his changing interests and weird preferences of clothing brands, it can be hard to pick something unique but useful. So, to help all of us out, I have broken down the best gifts to get your special someone depending on their interests. Happy holidays! 

For the gym addict: Gymshark apparel

No better feeling than a fresh gym set. Period. GymShark always has deals and discounts running so you won’t have to break the bank on quality clothing and equipment. Bonus: black joggers never go out of style.

Joggers: https://www.gymshark.com/products/gymshark-essential-oversized-joggers-black-aw22

Lifting Straps: https://www.gymshark.com/products/gymshark-lifting-straps-black-aw21

For the runner: personalized running display or running sneakers

Whether he’s a distance marathoner or track star, runners take a lot of wear and tear. Uncommon goods carries an adorable PR board for your man to track his best times, hang his medals, and clip his racing bibs. Best part? Its personalized with their name and shaped like a stopwatch.

Not his style? No worries. There are so many running stores in local towns filled with every brand of shoes possible. Take him there and buy him his next pair in his preferred brand. Some places will even use AI and tests to fit him exactly for his foot shape. He will be grateful you didn’t take a shot in the dark with something as sacred as his running shoes for the next 6 months.

Personalized Medal Board: https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/personalized-runners-medal-display-pr-board

Cherry Hill Running Store: https://stores.roadrunnersports.com/nj/cherryhill/running-shoe-store-710.html

For the sappy romantic: etsy couples gift

Every couple is different with how they like to show their affection. Some like room decor, or maybe keychains, or even those matching hoodies with the birthdays in roman numerals. Etsy is the one stop shop for all the cutesy sappy gifts a guy could ask for. Because who doesn’t want to wear underwear with their girlfriends face on them?

Engraved Keychain: https://www.etsy.com/listing/937138231/drive-safe-i-love-you-customizable?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=boyfriend+gift&ref=sr_gallery-1-18&pop=1&sts=1&content_source=155b3d298986408c29d816f059e46596f1626b4d%253A937138231&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1

Matching Initial Bracelets: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1715820277/set-of-2-custom-engraved-initial?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=boyfriend+gift&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&pro=1&pop=1&sts=1&content_source=1b1937d80167a672f40effd2951326a402fa2ed4%253A1715820277&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1

For the cologne connoisseur: cologne gift set

Whether he’s got more scents then you do or is just starting to explore something other than Axe body spray, simple fragrance sets are a great gift. It takes away the pressure of you purchasing an expensive bottle that you aren’t sure if he will actually wear. Plus, the tiny bottles and sets are sometimes even Christmas themed for the holiday season. 

Cologne Sampler (High End): https://www.sephora.com/product/sephora-favorites-cologne-sampler-set-P512189?skuId=2800175&icid2=products%20grid:p512189:product

Cologne Sampler: https://www.target.com/p/duke-cannon-supply-co-men-39-s-proper-cologne-gift-set/-/A-92638300?sid=1135S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086530542&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Traffic_Local_Traffic%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9003964&targetid=pla-895876315184&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZFMMeaKq-gi_xNR0oiFL3NP&gclid=CjwKCAiAmMC6BhA6EiwAdN5iLdkX67hkngWgZTmZqrittu2LzGHYNx0DDL77QejmFMqMhuwUlbzzgxoCjJwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

For the car lover: car decor 

You could go two routes with this gift idea, either useful or slightly) useless. Nothing wrong with interior LED lights, I know a lot of guys that would die to have them. More realistically, this wireless charger and phone mount is helpful and sleek. 

Wireless charger car mount: https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-CHGeek-Charging-Windshield-Dashboard/dp/B08D5XJTJS/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=1NH5O5ILRU2NX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ZqTbAUgR9YHm2sUSB7rS2qUHIY7XS49Sz4uKDPcsGThiWL6HauNhlALI2539sm481IfxNuy0S9seBQOGAztAbAYmF7wUrsfBx7exvza2ssZnGn8cKeY0vNuB_ve_qom8jgljKpgw87cXHXTExiqMUGSxtNSdZTzWOdzuTTC3lrCajSfTt7WQPQGWVyOkUvS7-HEEXXDJqFGWjab-kZPYWeWCDdqddK94B_zNyXZmtHvr43nrwgcAI5LssaFEIF63uOMr9CbZ90MRLwrrZm_blG-ATtyr8iF1Q8U-FXlRVZs.tBRfXBaFoAj0LT2IHTqyR3AyNEY7AOI3JE2O4JRs3yQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=things+for+car+for+men&qid=1733342817&sprefix=things+for+car+for+men%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

For the little kid at heart: large Lego set

There is something entertaining about legos especially to those who grew up with them. But getting one that is something he would geek over? Even better. From Avengers, to Darth Vader’s helmet, to Transformers, to Ferrari’s, there are dozens of options that are guaranteed to make your boyfriend immediately start building his next masterpiece. 

Spiderman mask set: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/spider-man-s-mask-76285

Millennium Falcon set: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/millennium-falcon-75375

For the blue collar boy: Carhartt apparel or wool socks

We all want to stay nice and warm in the winter time. But especially someone who works outside or in a blue collar profession. A nice beanie, high quality gloves, or some wool socks will help him out with those chilly days. 

Beanie: https://www.amazon.com/Carhartt-Acrylic-Watch-A18-Black/dp/B01C3LW2KO/ref=sr_1_6?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EWhqw6676mKAparvFlJUCxZAzJxMs1cUvwhhS9CKmjWvbtFjNkcPFny5e8OCsEDFnVBloXSm2_Ez30ClcL7vYteoEQbvlApjh0W9OlNjrpS–iBu1qXSDR5io3dG5A_7lABXSWdXTFN20vSJ7WzFbhn0UOE6XpNannKduU0aOxACArnQcEK6JMWtiEnc8d8fXzQ9zAfL_dcY0FNAuuGXVGQZDGNXa12KHP39SSNxkd-fTrK-wcg_uO_6DkzJqcZWqWjFA2O5ug3PVVzZiyKBNMx9LDyP6RwZVK8u2EBq8CQ.9uP2o6rbAULoVOtt7CWCVht0SAmHSVQCvBaNv5PFJRc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=683560777821&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9003964&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16361532481223357494&hvtargid=kwd-972431979035&hydadcr=7665_13589719&keywords=carhartt+beanie+on+sale&qid=1733343507&sr=8-6

Wool Socks: https://www.amazon.com/Carhartt-Mens-Heavyweight-Assorted-Large/dp/B09QLJVG22/ref=asc_df_B09QLJVG22?mcid=4f2031a19a0230c08d973fb38af6178c&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693378641723&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1904356123141302439&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003964&hvtargid=pla-1729347738900&psc=1

for the athlete: massage gun

Sore, achy muscles are usual for student athletes and sometimes they aren’t able to make it to the athletic trainer or properly stretch out. A hand held massage gun is the perfect gift to use for every season, every sport, and every body part. 

Massage gun: https://www.target.com/p/sharper-image-powerboost-sport-percussion-handheld-massager/-/A-90644088#lnk=sametab

for the memory maker: concert, sporting game, comic con tickets, plan a date/vacay

Some people aren’t very materialistic or prefer memories over any gift. But that doesn’t mean they have an empty handed christmas. Print out the tickets you bought for their favorite artist’s concert, their teams sporting event, or even a local comicon, and watch their face light up. If you can afford it, maybe a mini weekend getaway could even be on the table.

For the boujee boyfriends: watch or chain

This can be something as budget friendly or high end as you like. Brands like Vincero or Nixon carry stylish watches that fall around $100-200, but you can most definitely find some similar items on Amazon or even walking around Macy’s. If he’s picky, make it a date to find one he loves and is in your budget. 

Leather Watch: https://www.nixon.com/products/sentry-leather-matte-black-gold?variant=40562681512129¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&google_shopify_campaign_id=21728842507&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADt5QRNo93ags820cXJ2Bl8MB3OOY&gclid=CjwKCAiAmMC6BhA6EiwAdN5iLUEP7Je3631hTBbYmjtCvpkIIvO-Aouf6IwGGTXCHWpHSd5MKvauixoCGmsQAvD_BwE

Budget gold chain: https://www.amazon.com/MiaBella-Sterling-Italian-Diamond-Cut-Necklace/dp/B07JDRMQT8/ref=sr_1_27?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Pdinyji0bX2c5CwitkRlkZ81YVDalO2Vflv4ovlClDWLIsvLiNFjm-D7rmrbFMeCiuJJwpGVvYx9bwvW_b5dkUcbHpAq6Z8bICHePXmEZD2T9uytAtLayI4oWdWvObznT94kuVK_A-1UKQd2YXL48-YNO1nFYD_SnQ_kFUY8OgqO6JRGZ1R7KcL4PQope8GRyAFXkYxHO0gKKQho7vGmfraznrMv6SBxzUjKnlgjbPxIlA4Pwfgx-qjRdl12YmB5kaHJFUDsEr8gUu2Awx4Hq9w0d1j-_ePaU4kUCRvQdqc.zBYhbklE5K9niL6hKiYmlZfXTKJKHp9V6p0ndh3kw3I&dib_tag=se&keywords=chains&qid=1733347246&sr=8-27

For the self care lover: manscaped, tiny skincare trial set

If your guy doesn’t have manscaped, he is missing out. They are great quality and come with all types of designs, variations, and uses. Finally got him into skincare and facemasks? Elf has the cutest mini skincare sets that give him the chance to try different options depending on his skin type and make sure you don’t get him something he won’t be overwhelmed using. 

Manscaped set: https://www.target.com/p/manscaped-lawn-mower-3-0-plus-essentials-shaving-kit-2ct/-/A-89523956#lnk=sametab

Mini skincare set: https://www.elfcosmetics.com/blemish-breakthrough-blemish-control-basics-kit/57564UP.html

For the home-body: pj pants

You can never go wrong with some soft fuzzy pj pants. Whether he’s a gamer and needs some loungewear for those long nights or just prefers cozy movie date nights with you, he will be thankful for a new flannel. 

PJ pants: https://www.target.com/p/followme-super-soft-men-s-knit-pajama-pants-with-pockets-mens-pj-bottoms/-/A-90603691?preselect=93217611#lnk=sametab

Hey I'm Juliet! I'm a freshman/sophomore and I'm planning on declaring my major as Communications (with a focus in mass and social media) and Marketing. I'm from South Jersey, and I love to watch movies and sitcoms, and work out or run. I also love my job as a barista in a small cafe near my hometown.