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How I’m Sticking to My New Year’s Resolutions

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

One thing I love about the holidays is creating a list of resolutions that I plan to keep throughout the year. However, I often find myself midway through January making no progress on my resolutions, lacking motivation, and wanting to restart the year. These are some ways that I will be sticking to my New Year’s resolutions for 2025! 

Make A Schedule 

I often forget about my resolutions, and instead spend time scrolling on my phone, or studying for school. This year, I have created a schedule that includes dedicated time for my resolutions. For example, I am trying to go to the gym more often and spend more time outdoors. I have found that making a schedule for myself helps me become more disciplined and organized. Creating a schedule is a great way to manage resolution, and make sure I am being realistic and not overdoing it. 

Writing Down My Reasons 

In times where I lack motivation, I find it helpful to remember why I wanted to set these resolutions in the first place. Before 2025 began, I wrote down my reasons for pursuing my goals. Now, when I feel like skipping out at the gym, or spending the day inside, I revisit those reasons to reignite my determination. 

Keep it Short and Realistic 

Picking too many goals can be overwhelming. In the past, I have had long lists of resolutions that I wanted to achieve. This year, I decided to focus on three goals, and instead of being really specific, I made them more broad. For instance, instead of commiting to going to the gym five times a week, I simply resolved  to go more often. This helps me to not be too hard on myself, and allow more flexibility to achieve my goals. 

Finding an Accountability Buddy

Having someone there to hold me accountable is very helpful in staying motivated. Instead of doing things by myself, working with my friend towards goals makes it seem less like a solo task and more like a partner activity. Having someone to help you push through the lack of motivation really has helped me stay on top of my goals. 

Tracking My Progress

My last trick to staying motivated is to track my progress. Seeing how far I’ve come since I started is incredibly rewarding. It can be hard when you don’t immediately see results from your effort. Tracking my helps me see how much I have improved since I started. This year, I have created a progress journal that I write in, to help me realize that even though progress can be slow, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. 

It won’t be easy to achieve everything that I want to in 2025, but it’s not impossible. Patience is very important and I remind myself that these are goals I have all year to complete. It is okay if I don’t see results by tomorrow. By following these steps, I am prepared to give it my all this New Year!

Tonya McGie

UWindsor '27

Hi, my name is Tonya! I am a writer at the University of Windsor. I am a second year psychology major. When I am not writing, I enjoy baking, scrolling through Pinterest and listening to music.